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3 LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course the student will be able to: Analyse the operation of functional combinatorial and sequential logic circuits. Construct a simple digital system using simulation tools. Discuss importance of digital circuits in current technology trend.

4 CONTENT 1 1.0 Introduction To Digital System Numerical representation
WEEK CONTENTS ASSESSMENT 1 1.0 Introduction To Digital System Numerical representation Digital and analog system Advantages of using digital over analog Limitation of digital system Overcoming the limitation of an analog world TTL and CMOS technology Test 1 Assignment 2 2.0 Numerical Representation Binary system Binary arithmetic Signed and unsigned numbers. Signed numbers arithmetic operation Hexadecimal numbering system Octal numbering system Digital codes, BCD, Gray, ASCII, error detection BCD addition Final Exam

3.0 Basic Gates and Combinational Logic Circuit Introduction to basic gates Analyzing combinational logic circuits. Designing a logic circuit from Boolean expression Designing a logic circuit from truth table Boolean theorem and Karnaugh-map approach Universality of the NAND and NOR gates Test 1 Final Exam 6-8 4.0 Function of Combinational Logic Circuit Half adder and full adder circuits 4-bit parallel binary ripple carry adder circuit 4-bit parallel binary carry look ahead adder circuit BCD adder circuit Decoder and Encoder Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Comparator Code converters Parity generator and checker Test 2

6 CONTENT 9 5.0 Flip-Flops NAND and NOR latch D latch
WEEK CONTENTS ASSESSMENT 9 5.0 Flip-Flops NAND and NOR latch D latch Active high and active low concept Edge triggered SC flip-flop Edge triggered JK flip-flop Edge triggered D flip-flop Flip-flop applications Test 2 Final Exam 10-11 6.0 Counters and Registers Asynchronous counter Synchronous counter Counter applications Design using the Finite State Machine method Serial in/serial out shift register Serial in/parallel out shift register Parallel in/parallel out shift register Parallel in/serial out shift register

WEEK CONTENTS ASSESSMENT 12 7.0 Interfacing Digital System with Analog Digital-to-analog conversion DAC circuitry Integrated DAC circuit Analog-to-digital conversion Digital-ramp ADC. Successive approximation ADC Flash ADC Assignment FINAL EXAMINATION

8 ASSESSMENT 1. Assignment/Projects : 15 % 2. Quiz 5 % 3. Test 1 4.
15 % 2. Quiz 5 % 3. Test 1 4. Test 2 5. Final Examination 50 % Total 100 %

Students must attend lectures not less than 80% of the contact hours for every subject including Compulsory Attendance Subjects (Hadir Wajib – HW) and Attendance Only Subjects (Hadir Sahaja – HS) Students who do not fulfill item (1) will not be allowed to attend further lectures and sit for any further examination. Zero mark (0) will be given to students who fail to comply with item (1). While for Compulsory Attendance Subjects (Hadir Wajib – HW), those who fail to comply with item (1) will be given Failure Attendance (Hadir Gagal – HG). Students must obey all rules and regulations of the university and must discipline themselves in order to avoid any disciplinary actions against them. Student must obey safety regulations during learning and teaching process.

Numerical representation Digital and analog system Advantages of using digital over analog Limitation of digital system Overcoming the limitation of an analog world TTL and CMOS technology

11 Learning Outcomes At the end of this chapter, you must be able to:
Distinguish between analog & digital representations State the advantages and disadvantages of digital techniques compared with analog

12 1.1 Numerical Representations
Most naturally occurring physical quantities in our world are analog in nature. Quantities are measured, monitored, recorded, manipulated arithmetically, observed in most physical systems. Important when dealing with quantities To represent their values efficiently and accurately 2 ways to represent them: 1) ANALOG representation 2) DIGITAL representation

13 Analog Representation
Represent a quantity by a continuously variable, proportional indicator Characteristic of analog quantities They can vary over a continuous range of values Example 1) Speedometer 2) Thermometer Use a mechanical means

14 Digital Representation
Represent a quantity by a symbol, called digits. Characteristic of digital quantities They are varied in discrete steps Example 1) Digital Clock 2) Digital weighting scale

15 Digital Number Systems
There are many numbering systems used in digital technology. Decimal  most familiar to us Binary Octal Hexadecimal

16 Representing Binary Quantities
The information being processed in digital systems is presented in binary form. Binary quantities can be represented by any device that has only two operating states or possible conditions Example: A switch has only 2 states  open or closed Information stored in CD  holes are burnt form pits (non-reflective) as ‘1’ or reflective areas as ‘0’ Diode  conducting or non-conducting

17 Logic Level The voltages used to represent at 1 and a 0 are called logic levels. HIGH goto slide8 please refer to slide 'disadvantage of the digital techniques'. must take into account the suitable range to avoid misjudgement of the input/output data. LOW Example: Using voltage level to represent the binary values

18 1.2 Digital & Analog Systems
DIGITAL SYSTEM Combination of devices designed to manipulate logical information or physical quantities that are represented in digital form. Example: digital calculator ANALOG SYSTEM Devices that manipulate physical quantities that are represented in analog form. Example: magnetic tape recording and playback equipment

19 Computer All the stored and processed data are in binary form.

20 CD CD player: digital and analog parts co-exist together (source: How Stuff Works website)

21 1.3 Advantages of Digital Techniques
Digital systems are easier to design Information storage is easy Accuracy & precision are easier to maintain throughout the system Operation can be programmed Digital circuits are less affected by noise Digital circuitry can be fabricated on IC chips

22 1.4 Disadvantages of Digital Techniques
The real world is analogue Processing digitised signals takes time Digital circuits use more energy than analogue circuits & produce more heat Digital circuits are made from analogue components – must make sure the digital behaviour is not affected by the analogue Digital circuits are sometimes more expensive (in small quantity)

23 1.5 Digital Systems Overcome the Drawback of Analog Systems
When dealing with analogue inputs and outputs, four steps must be followed Convert the physical variable to an electrical signal (analogue) Convert the electrical (analogue) signal into digital form  ADC (Analogue Digital Converter) Process (operate on) the digital information Convert the digital outputs back to real-world analogue form  DAC (Digital Analogue Converter)

24 Example: Block diagram for a digital temperature control system

25 1.6 TTL & CMOS technology

26 Reference Thomas L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals (10th edition), Pearson, 2009 Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer & Gregory L. Moss, Digital Systems: Principles and Applications (11th edition), Pearson, 2011

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