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Poverty the state of being poor Definition: Parts of Speech: Synonym:

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Presentation on theme: "Poverty the state of being poor Definition: Parts of Speech: Synonym:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty the state of being poor Definition: Parts of Speech: Synonym:
Hardship Antonym: Plenty Parts of Speech: Noun the state of being poor The poverty in the inner city was out of control, so the mayor was attempting to solve it with new programs and policies.

2 Poverty The vulture and the little girl

3 Prejudice Definition:
Sounds Like: Synonym: Discrimination Antonym: Fairness Parts of Speech: Noun judging someone or something before you know much about them; a preconceived attitude Mostly because of prejudice , the short person found it hard to get a job as a salesman.

4 Prejudice

5 Prosecute Word used in a sentence to accuse or put on trial
Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: Antonym: Defend Parts of Speech: verb to accuse or put on trial Sue The attorney was hoping to prosecute Kimball to the full extent of the law. Word used in a sentence

6 Prosecute

7 Remote Word used in a sentence far out of the way and distant
Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: Distant Antonym: Nearby Parts of Speech: Adjective far out of the way and distant Stuart is not a remote place, but the small rural town of Indiantown is. Word used in a sentence

8 Remote Locations

9 Transform Word used in a sentence Definition: to change
Sounds Like: Synonym: Antonym: Parts of Speech: verb Take over Free Word used in a sentence Some reality television shows like to transform people with complete makeovers and surprise their family.

10 Transform

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