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Vocabulary Words American Literature

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1 Vocabulary Words American Literature
Week #10

2 Pragmatic

3 Pragmatic Definition: (adj) concerned with practical matters
Synonym: realistic, logical, rational Antonym: impractical, naïve

4 Pretentious

5 Pretentious Definition: (adj) making a claim to importance or distinction Synonym: showy, pompous, exaggerated Antonym: down-to-earth, sensible

6 Querulous

7 Querulous Definition: (adj) habitually complaining
Synonym: critical, fussy, negative Antonym: easy-going, calm

8 Reclusive

9 Reclusive Definition: (adj) withdrawn from society; seeking solitude
Synonym: isolated, secluded, anti-social Antonym: friendly, out-going

10 Renovation

11 Renovation Definition: (n) the act improving by renewing and restoring
Synonym: make-over, repair Antonym: damage, decline, worsening

12 Spontaneous

13 Spontaneous Definition: (adj) happening or arising without apparent cause Synonym: impulsive, spur-of-the-moment Antonym: planned, intentional, deliberate

14 Superfluous

15 Superfluous Definition: (adj) serving no useful purpose; extra; unneeded Synonym: unnecessary, excessive Antonym: essential

16 Tenacious

17 Tenacious Definition: (adj) holding fast or tending to hold fast
Synonym: stubborn, persistent, determined Antonym: weak, unsure, indecisive

18 Volition

19 Volition Definition: (n) act of willing or choosing
Synonym: wish, choice, decision Antonym: intimidation, coercion, force

20 Voracious

21 Voracious Definition: (adj) having a huge appetite
Synonym: hungry, greedy, ravenous Antonym: satisfied, full, satiated

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