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*Use for Studying Purposes Only*

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1 *Use for Studying Purposes Only*
3A + 3B Vocabulary Words English 1 Study PowerPoint *Use for Studying Purposes Only*

2 Adherent Definition: A follower, supporter, attached, sticking to.
Synonym: Disciple Antonym: Opponent, adversary, critic, and detractor

3 Rift Definition: A spilt, break, breach.
Synonym: Crack, fissure, gap, and cleft Antonym: Reconciliation

4 Semblance Definition: A likeness; an outward appearance; an apparition. Synonym: Appearance air, aura, veneer, and facade Antonym: Dissimilarity, contrast, and total lack

5 Obesity Definition: Excessive farness.
Synonym: Serious, overweight, and extreme corpulence Antonym: Emaciation, gauntness, and scrawniness

6 No Antonyms found for this word
Pilfer Definition: To steal in small quantities. Synonym: Filch, rob, swipe, and purloin No Antonyms found for this word

7 No Antonyms found for this word
Usurp Definition: (v) To seize and hold a position by force or without right. Synonym: Seize, illegally, commandeer No Antonyms found for this word

8 No Antonyms found for this word
Exorcise Definition: To drive out my magic; to dispose of something, troublesome, menacing or oppressive. Synonym: Expel and dispel No Antonyms found for this word

9 Dissent Definition: To disagree; a disagreement.
Synonym: Differ and dispute Antonym: Agree, concur, unanimity, and harmony

10 Altercation Definition: An angry augment.
Synonym: Quarrel, dispute, and squabble Antonym: Agreement and accord

11 Terminate Definition: To bring to an end.
Synonym: Conclude, finish, and discontinue Antonym: Begin, commence, and initiate

12 Surmount Definition: To overcome, rise above.
Synonym: Conquer and triumph over Antonym: Be vanquished, be defeated, and a succumb to

13 Trite Definition: (adj.) Commonplace; overused, stale.
Synonym: Banal, hackneyed, and corny Antonym: Original, novel, fresh, and innovative

14 Condone Definition: To pardon or overlook.
Synonym: Ignore, wink at, and turn a blind eye to Antonym: Censure, condemn, disapprove, and deprecate

15 Cherubic Definition: Resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful, round, or chubby face. Synonym: Angelic and seraphic Antonym: Impish and devilish

16 Pauper Definition: An extremely poor person. Synonym: Destitute person
Antonym: Millionaire and tycoon

17 Abridge Definition: To make shorter.
Synonym: Shorten, condense, and abbreviate Antonym: Expand, enlarge, and augment

18 Fabricate Definition: To make, manufacture, to make up, invent.
Synonym: Angelic and seraphic Antonym: Impish and devilish

19 Eminent Definition: Famous, outstanding, distinguished; projecting.
Synonym: Illustrious and renowned Antonym: Obscure, nameless, unsung, lowly, and humble

20 No Antonyms found for this word
Marauder Definition: A raider, plunderer. Synonym: Looter, pirate, and freebooter No Antonyms found for this word

21 Irate Definition: Angry.
Synonym: Increased, infuriated, enraged, and lived Antonym: Calm, composed, cool, and unruffled

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