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Rights & Responsibilities

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Presentation on theme: "Rights & Responsibilities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rights & Responsibilities
We will explain how the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens reflect our national identity using a t-chart, a game, discussion in a pair/share, and an exit ticket.

2 Both are necessary for our society to work.
Two Types of Responsibilities - Personal Responsibility versus Civic Duty? Both are necessary for our society to work.

3 Personal Responsibility
Civic Duty Working and doing your job to the best of your ability Voting Paying Bills Paying taxes Going to School Staying aware of what’s happening in your nation and the world Providing for your family Serving on juries when called Personal hygiene Obeying laws Taking care of your property Speaking out against unfair laws

4 Can you tell the difference?

5 Taking care of your family

6 Voting

7 Paying taxes

8 Serving on juries

9 Paying Your Bills

10 Staying informed on public issues

11 Obeying rules and laws

12 What Happens if We Don’t Meet Our Personal Responsibilities?
PAIR/SHARE: Partner 1 - If I don’t do my best at my job, I could _________________________________________. Partner 2 - If I don’t pay attention in school, I will probably ___________________________________.

13 What Happens When We Don’t Meet Our Personal Responsibilities?
Pair/Share: Partner 1 - If I don’t work, I hurt society because _______________________________________________________. Partner 2 - If I don’t pay attention in school, I hurt society because _______________________________________________________.

14 There are personal consequences and societal consequences.

15 What Happens When We Don’t Fulfill Our Civic Duties?
Pair/Share: Partner 1 - If I don’t vote for a candidate in an election, I feel ____________________________________________. Partner 2 - If I don’t report for jury duty when summoned, I feel ____________________________________________.

16 What Happens When I Don’t Fulfill My Civic Duties?
Pair/Share: Partner 1 - When the majority of citizens don’t vote in an election, we run the risk of ___________________________. Partner 2 - When I choose to ignore a jury summons, I run the risk of ________________________________________.

17 Again... There are personal consequences and consequences that affect the nation as a whole.

18 Exit Ticket In your spiral, explain 3 ways responsibilities reflect the American national identity.

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