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~A solution for deforestation~

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Presentation on theme: "~A solution for deforestation~"— Presentation transcript:

1 ~A solution for deforestation~
A new style of receipt ~A solution for deforestation~

2 1. Introduction 2. The problem of paper receipts 3. How to reduce the amount of paper receipts 4. Electronic receipts and Hemp receipts 5. Conclusion


4 Receipt Ice cream Lemon Octopus Vanilla Egg Yogurt Orange Urchin


6 Woods Paper receipts

7 Many scientists identify
Cause Deforestation Global warming

8 1. Introduction 2. The problem of paper receipts 3. How to reduce the amount of paper receipts 4. Electronic receipts and Hemp receipts 5. Conclusion

9 In Japan, we use 54000t paper receipts every year.
If we convert it into A4 paper.... 13.5 billion A4

10 If we pile up 13.5 billion A4 papers, it is about 1620 km tall!!

11 This height is equal to.... Wakkanai Fukuoka

12 1. Introduction 2. The problem of paper receipts 3. How to reduce the amount of paper receipts 4. Electronic receipts and Hemp receipts 5. Conclusion

13 Should we stop using receipts?
It’s not a good idea because receipts contain important information. For example, Shop name, Address, Goods list, Price, Purchase date

14 How about putting that information on something rather than paper?
We recommend electronic receipts and hemp receipts.

15 1.Introduction 2.The problem of paper receipts 3.How to reduce the amount of paper receipts 4.Electronic receipts and hemp receipts 5.Conclusion

16 Electronic receipts

17 1.We can check our purchase history anytime

18 2.It is easy to record the purchase
food book cloth

19 3.Our wallets won’t be bulky

20 Hemp receipts

21 Developed countries →many use devices  like smartphones →we can change paper receipts to electronic receipts Developing countries →few people have smartphones →how can we reduce paper receipts?

22 A. Hemp receipts

23 Both wood and hemp are ... plants

24 1.suitable for recycling
Wood 3 times Hemp 7 times

25 2.Provides more oxygen Amount of oxygen

26 3. Free from agricultural and industrial chemicals
We don’t have to be worried about polluting the environment

27 2.The problem of paper receipts
1.Introduction 2.The problem of paper receipts 3.How to reduce the amount of paper receipts 4.Electronic receipts and hemp receipts 5.Conclusion

28 We should use electronic receipts and hemp receipts.
Electronic receipts have been used experimentally in Japan.

29 Let’s use electronic receipts and hemp receipts!!

30 Thank you for listening.

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