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Physician-Assisted Suicide Desirae Naessens NURS 450

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1 Physician-Assisted Suicide Desirae Naessens NURS 450
Study Approach Qualitative descriptive design Collect data from many different patients who choose the Death with Dignity act in Oregon and patients who are letting death occur naturally about their quality of life and how they are choosing to live the end of their lives Individual interviews and interviews with patients families Need for Research Few nurses know what role they play in Death with Dignity More states are legalizing physician-assisted suicide Research Question Among nurses who care for terminally-ill individuals, how does the choice of physician-assisted suicide over natural death, impact their patients’ quality of life? Potential Problems & Limitations ANA standpoint Nurse’s have their own beliefs on issue and choose not to participate Patients and families not wanting their last days of life to be consumed with interviews and questions Research Implications & Importance to Nursing Practice Raise awareness Encourage nurses to advocate for their patients no matter what their choice is Decrease ethical debate Assure nurses of their role in this end of life care

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