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2 Instructions These slides are meant for you to use to present the idea of breakfast after the bell to staff. Each slide contains speaker notes to assist with your presentation. Certain slides require customization: 1, 3, & 7. Don’t forget to delete this slide once you are ready to present!

3 Current School Breakfast Participation
[insert] % of our students qualify for free or reduced price meals. Each day [insert lunch average daily participation] students have lunch but only [insert breakfast average daily participation] students have breakfast. [Note: Your food service director will have access to this information. The aim of this slide is to demonstrate that the proportion of students eating school breakfast is not as high as those eating school lunch.] Currently, [insert]% of our students qualify for free and reduced price meals. [insert] eat lunch each day, but only [insert] eat breakfast. For our students, this is a problem. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; it gets their minds and bodies ready to learn. If they haven’t eaten, their abilities and eagerness are compromised. Source: Kingsworthy Primary School

4 School Breakfast Supports Learning
Better performance on standardized tests Improved concentration, alertness, and memory Improved attendance and punctuality Fewer disciplinary office referrals [The aim of this slide is to demonstrate the benefits of school breakfast for learning.] (also linked to the banner) Studies have shown that eating breakfast at school increases performance on standardized tests, improves overall concentration, alertness, and memory, improves attendance and punctuality, and leads to fewer disciplinary office referrals.

5 School Breakfast Supports Health
Decreased risk of food insecurity Fewer visits to the school nurse Lower probability of being overweight or obese Reduction in behavioral problems [The aim of this slide is to demonstrate the benefits of school breakfast for student health.] (also linked in banner) Eating breakfast at school also has implications for student health. Studies have shown that students who eat breakfast at school have a decreased risk of food insecurity, spend less time reporting to the school nurse, are less likely to be overweight or obese, and show fewer behavioral problems.

6 What is breakfast after the bell?
Move breakfast out of the cafeteria and beyond the first bell Three models: Breakfast in the Classroom “Grab and Go” Second Chance Breakfast [The aim of this slide is to explain what breakfast after the bell is and what the options are for implementing in your school.] We propose to move breakfast out of the cafeteria and beyond the first bell in attempt to increase access to students in need. There are three different models that we can choose from, including breakfast in the classroom, grab and go, and second chance breakfast. Breakfast in the classroom entails the delivery of meals to the classroom and students eating at their desks during the first 15–20 minutes of the school day. Teachers can choose how to use this time to best suit the needs of their lesson plans, whether that is structuring classroom time for group activities, independent work, class announcements, or taking attendance. Grab and go involves students picking up a bagged breakfast either from a kiosk in the hallway or from the cafeteria on the way to class and eat at their desks. Second chance breakfast is served during a break after first period in the cafeteria, providing an opportunity for students who tend to arrive at school closer to the start of first period to have the chance to eat. Source: Hunger Free Colorado

7 Why is [insert your school] doing it?
Increase breakfast participation Cultivate a supportive learning environment Increase the sense of community and reduce stigma [The aim of this slide is to convey to staff why you believe it is important that you switch to an alternative breakfast service model.] Starting the day with school breakfast gives students the nutrients needed to reach their full academic potential. Breakfast after the bell dramatically increases school breakfast participation and there is large gap in participation amongst the students in our school. The benefits of this program extend further than just increasing breakfast participation. Studies have shown that alternative breakfast models cultivate a more supportive learning environment, while also increasing the sense of community and reducing social stigma. Source: Eater

8 Initial feedback? [The aim of this slide is to hear what staff have to say regarding the program. Address their questions and hear their concerns. Be sure to take note of what is said: you will need to address their concerns when planning the program.] Now that you all understand the benefits of moving breakfast out of the cafeteria and why we believe it is the best option for our school, we would love to hear your thoughts. What are your concerns? What questions do you have? We would like for this to be a conversation.

9 Next Steps Develop a breakfast coalition
Food Service Managers & Personnel Educators Custodial Staff Student Council [The aim of this slide is to garner support and volunteers for the planning coalition. As the principal, you will be involved in overseeing this planning process.] In order to successfully plan this program, we will need the help of volunteers from the following personnel. I will help to oversee this coalition, but it is up to you all to implement the program the way that you feel will best suit the needs of your students and yourselves. Source: BRW School Architecture


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