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Overview of Lectures (I)

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Lectures (I)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Lectures (I)
Introduction Thu., Week 1, , TW Why do we study Nuclear Physics What will this course cover Shape and density of the nuclei 2. The Semi Empirical Mass Formula (SEMF) Thu., Week 2, , TW The liquid drop model The Fermi Gas Model Experimental verification 3./4. Using the SEMF and its limitations Thu. Week 3, , AR Thu. Week 4, , AR The valley of nuclear stability Nuclear decays (a, b, fission, others) Natural radioactivity The end of SEMF: Evidence of magic numbers Note: ALL lectures will be in the Martin Wood lecture theatre starting 12:00 13 Oct 2005, Lecture 1 Nuclear Physics, Dr. Antony Weidberg & Dr. Armin Reichold

2 Overview of Lectures (II)
5./6. Crossections Thu. Week 5, , TW Fri. Week 5, , TW Experiments, natural units, conventions and definitions Fermi’s Golden Rule Rutherford Scattering Breit-Wigner resonances and partial decay widths 7./8. Theory of Decays Thu. Week 6, , TW Fri. Week 6, , TW Tunneling model of a-decay Selection rules and decay rates in g-decay Fermi theory of b-decay 13 Oct 2005, Lecture 1 Nuclear Physics, Dr. Antony Weidberg & Dr. Armin Reichold

3 Overview of Lectures (III)
9./10. Particle Interactions with Matter Thu. Week 7, , AR Fri. Week 7, , AR dE/dx by ionisation and the Bethe-Bloch formula (9) Photoeffect, Compton Scattering, Bremsstrahlung, Pair Production Cherenkov radiation 11./12. Applications of Nuclear Physics Thu. Week 8, , AR Fri. Week 8, , AR & TW Particle Detectors (11 AR) Fission Reactors (11 AR) Bombs (12 AR) Fusion reactors (12 TW) 13 Oct 2005, Lecture 1 Nuclear Physics, Dr. Antony Weidberg & Dr. Armin Reichold

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