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The case for cloud Bill La Ruffa | Sr. Sales Enablement Specialist.

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2 The case for cloud Bill La Ruffa | Sr. Sales Enablement Specialist

3 Agenda Key Cloud Considerations What is Really Changing
CFO Key Concerns CIO Key Concerns Case Study

4 What are the key cloud considerations

5 Enterprise cloud decisions are being driven by economics, risk, speed, and the need for simplification. Lets looks at each of these examples: These advantages cross the lines of economics, architecture, and fundamental strategies for your company. Many of us would have bet against major airlines, financial institutions and high availability service providers shifting mission critical applications to the cloud, but we're seeing it every day - and it's expanding globally, not just in the US.

6 Stay focus on trends on Why cloud, Traditional vs cloud
Speed: Premise 4 months to 1.5 Years Human Capital re purpose employees to focus on innovation products vs care and feeding Scalability: Premise bought for Busiest day of the year Innovation: Premise world slow to adopt BCP: 2x Expense, double the Hardware double the network double the pain on innovation Security: JPMC Quote

7 What is really Changing?

8 Where is your customer on the Iceberg
Do you have a strategy in place? Who is leading it?



11 CFO Key Concerns

12 Critical Concerns: Shareholder value creation, regulatory compliance, financial performance, cash management, cost control, capital allocation, and the Board of Directors Key Activities: Budgeting, financial compliance, forecasting, allocating costs, metrics Role they Play in the Buying Process: validate the ROI, sign, capex vs opex analysis, negotiate pricing, responsible for legal, justify the process Where they get Information: managers and CEOs (other internal resources), peers, vendor proposals



15 CIO Key Concerns





20 Thank you! Bill La Ruffa | Sr. Sales Enablement Specialist

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