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How are boundaries established and why do boundary disputes occur?

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1 How are boundaries established and why do boundary disputes occur?
EQ 8.3 How are boundaries established and why do boundary disputes occur?

2 Boundary – a vertical plane that cuts through the rocks below and the airspace above, dividing one state territory from another.

3 Types of boundaries/ Shapes of States
Political boundaries Physical boundaries Geometric boundaries Boundaries inside states federal states Trend toward federal government Electoral geography Shapes of states Five basic shapes Landlocked states

4 Establishing Boundaries
Define: through treaty or legal document. Delimit: by drawing it on a map Demarcate: visible means of marking the boundary on the ground. Administrate: how the boundary will be maintained

5 Great Wall of China The wall was built in the 3rd century B.C. and extended during the following century.

6 Five basic shapes Compact = efficient – distance from center to any boundary does not vary significantly Good communications likely Elongated = potential isolation – states with long or narrow shape, ex. Chile Trouble with communications likely Prorupted = access or disruption – large protruding extension (access to resource or separate 2 states sharing a boundary) Fragmented = problematic – several discontinuous pieces of territory, ex. Indonesia or Russia/Kaliningrad Separated by water or an intervening territory Perforated = state that completely surrounds another state, ex. South Africa surrounds Lesotho Landlocked states – lacks direct outlet to sea, surrounded by other countries—created problem of international trade

7 Cambodia: Compact


9 Namibia: Prorupted


11 Chile: Elongated


13 Indonesia: Fragmented


15 South Africa: Perforated


17 Types of boundaries Physical Cultural
Desert boundaries Mountain boundaries Water boundaries Cultural Geometric boundaries Religious Boundaries Language Boundaries Ethnic Boundaries Frontiers – a zone where no state exercises complete political authority

18 Boundaries are of two types: physical and cultural
Neither type of boundary is better or more “natural,” and many boundaries are a combination of both types. Important physical features on Earth’s surface can make good boundaries because they are easily seen, both on a map and on the ground. Three types of physical elements serve as boundaries between states: mountains, deserts, and water.

19 Cultural Boundaries The boundaries between some states coincide with differences in ethnicity. Other cultural boundaries are drawn according to geometry; they simply are straight lines drawn on a map.

20 Ethnic Groups in Southwest Asia
Fig. 8-14: Ethnic boundaries do not match country boundaries, especially in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.


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