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Title: Anat & Phys 2/1/07 Review until 8:45 (1B), 12:00 (3B) Notes

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1 Title: Anat & Phys 2/1/07 Review until 8:45 (1B), 12:00 (3B) Notes
11/23/2018 Title: Anat & Phys 2/1/07 Objectives: . Class Topics Review until 8:45 (1B), 12:00 (3B) Notes Leg Muscles “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.” Mark Twain Friday, November 23, :13 PM

2 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
11/23/2018 Class Assignments What By When Lab Practical II 2/5/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 Muscles to be identified in the cat
11/23/2018 Muscles to be identified in the cat Pectoantebrachialis Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Xiphihumeralis Serratus anterior Latissimus dorsi Spinotrapezius Acromiotrapezius Clavotrapezius Rhomboidius major Rhomboideus minor Levator Scapulae Teres major Clavobrachialis Acromiodeltoid Spinodeltoid Sternomastoid Cleidomastoid Sternohyoid Digastric

4 Lab Practical II Biceps brachii Triceps brachii Epitrochlearis
11/23/2018 Lab Practical II Biceps brachii Triceps brachii Long head Lateral head Medial head Epitrochlearis Brachialis Brachioradialis Rectus abdominis Internal oblique External oblique Transverse abdominis As well as all muscles from Lab Practical I

5 11/23/2018 Review You may review for the lab practical in any of the following ways Review notes at your desk Review muscles at the cat Review in the media center Work on Power Point or web page reviews

6 Gluteus maximus Attachment Action Ilium, sacrum, coccyx femur
11/23/2018 Gluteus maximus Attachment Ilium, sacrum, coccyx femur Action Extends the thigh

7 11/23/2018 Gluteus medius Attachment Ilium Greater trochanter of femur

8 Gracilis Attachment Action Pubis Medial surface of tibia
11/23/2018 Gracilis Attachment Pubis Medial surface of tibia Action Adduct the thigh Rotate the leg

9 11/23/2018 Sartorius Attachment Ilium Tibia

10 11/23/2018

11 11/23/2018

12 Quadriceps Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis
11/23/2018 Quadriceps Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius

13 Rectus femoris Attachment Action Ilium and acetabulum
11/23/2018 Rectus femoris Attachment Ilium and acetabulum Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon Action Extends the leg, flexes thigh at the hip

14 Vastus lateralis Attachment Action Greater trochanter
11/23/2018 Vastus lateralis Attachment Greater trochanter Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon Action Extends the leg

15 Vastus medialis Attachment Action Medial surface of femur
11/23/2018 Vastus medialis Attachment Medial surface of femur Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon Action Extends the leg

16 Vastus intermedius Attachment Action Femur
11/23/2018 Vastus intermedius Attachment Femur Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon Action Extends the leg

17 11/23/2018 Hamstrings Biceps femoris Semitendinosus Semimembranosus

18 Biceps femoris Attachment Action Ischium, Linea aspera
11/23/2018 Biceps femoris Attachment Ischium, Linea aspera Proximal ends of the fibula and tibia Action Flexes the leg and extends the thigh

19 Semitendinosus Attachment Action Ischium Medial surface of tibia
11/23/2018 Semitendinosus Attachment Ischium Medial surface of tibia Action Flexes the leg and extends the thigh

20 Semimembranosus Attachment Action Ischium Proximal end of tibia
11/23/2018 Semimembranosus Attachment Ischium Proximal end of tibia Action Flexes the leg and extends the thigh

21 Adductor longus Attachment Action Pubis Femur Adducts the thigh
11/23/2018 Adductor longus Attachment Pubis Femur Action Adducts the thigh

22 Adductor femoris (magnus)
11/23/2018 Adductor femoris (magnus) Attachment Ischial tuberosity Femur Action Adducts the thigh

23 11/23/2018 Tensor Fasciae Latae Attachments Ileum Tibia Found in cat

24 Gastrocnemius Attachment Action Distal end of femur
11/23/2018 Gastrocnemius Attachment Distal end of femur Calcaneus via achilles tendon Action Plantar flexion of the leg (up on tippy toes)

25 Soleus Attachment Action Proximal end of tibia and fibula
11/23/2018 Soleus Attachment Proximal end of tibia and fibula Calcaneus via Achilles tendon Action Plantar flexion Same as gastrocnemius

26 Tibialis anterior Attachment Action Tibia Tarsal bone Dorsiflexion
11/23/2018 Tibialis anterior Attachment Tibia Tarsal bone Action Dorsiflexion

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