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Modern Buddhist festivals & rituals

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Presentation on theme: "Modern Buddhist festivals & rituals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern Buddhist festivals & rituals
Japanese/ Pali or English name Background: Reasons for/what is being celebrated? Why? What’s the goal? Key ceremonies, views, rites and rituals, modern examples – (go on youtube and find a video or two of what it looks like) Differentiation between types of Buddhism (if possible) and countries and why (think merging with local cultures) Hanamatsuri/Vesak Vassa (Theravada only) Rohatsu/Bodhi Day

2 Modern Buddhist festivals & rituals
Japanese/ Pali or English name Background: Reasons for/what is being celebrated? Why? What’s the goal? Key ceremonies, views, rites and rituals, modern examples – (go on youtube and find a video or two of what it looks like) Differentiation between types of Buddhism (if possible) and countries and why (think merging with local cultures) Kathina/Thadingyut Asarnha Bucha/ Asalha Puja Shogatsu/ Spring Festival/ New Year Obon Matsuri (Mahayana only)

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