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2018 Regular Season Meeting #1
2018 NJILOA Regular Season Meeting #1 Updated 3/15/2018
Coaches and Captains Certify both Head Coaches
Find out any Pertinent Information & Share Read Bullying Statement with both Coaches & Captains present Conduct Coin Toss - Goal to Defend or AP Meet with all potential Faceoff players Check sticks, confirm legal; Review mechanics Table Instructions (take your partner with you) Where is the time being kept? Is there a horn on the scoreboard clock? Does table also have an airhorn? Don’t allow Cell Phones or other distractions at the table.
REMINDER: Rule Change from 2017
4-3-1 Exception 2 (page 32): If a player or team commits a foul before any faceoff, the ball will be awarded to the offended team in its offensive side of the field at the Center. Rationale: When a pre-whistle violation occurs, the ball is awarded to the offended team in their offensive half of the field & requires a distance of 5 yards from all surrounding players. All post-whistle violations (loose ball push, hold, etc.), are to be re-started from spot of the foul. No free clear is awarded and all players who were behind a restraining line must remain “in the box” until the whistle restarts play.
4.4.2 SITUATION B: Q: Before or after the whistle, faceoff player A1 commits a violation of the faceoff rules. Faceoff player B1 runs off the field and... (a) wing player B2 runs to the center of the field to pick up the ball to restart play. (b) B3 runs out of the defensive area to the center of the field to pick up the ball to restart play.
(a) Legal play by Team B;
4.4.2 SITUATION B: RULINGS: (a) Legal play by Team B; (b) Technical Foul against B3. Ball awarded to Team A at the spot where the ball was when play was suspended. If a non time-serving foul is committed before or during a faceoff (before possession is gained and before the ball crosses the defensive-area line), wing players will be released immediately, but players behind the defensive-area line will not be released until the whistle blows to resume play.
Rule 1 - Sections 6 & 7 ART Any crosse used on a faceoff may not have tape on the plastic throat of the head. All other crosses may have tape on the Head/Throat. For Discussion: What is the correct procedure if the FO player who comes out to do the faceoff has tape on the head of his crosse? What if he has a donut on the shaft? What are some additional Prohibitions?
Rule 1 - Sections 6 & 7 RULINGS:
Technical Foul - Delay of Game on FO player with tape on the head or throat of his crosse. Award the ball on offensive side of X. Offending player does not have to leave field. (Article 5, page 16) Donuts are allowed as long as they are within 3 inches from the butt end. (See next slide) Head cannot be bent or shaft cambered. Sticky tape is allowed, but cannot be the thick tennis grip variety (Why? Because it increases the shaft’s circumference to way more than 3.5”). Adjustable handles are not allowed in HS. Note: This is why we hold a meeting w/all potential Faceoff players... To avoid any problems in the game!
Legal or Illegal?
Legal or Illegal Look in Book… What Rules would apply ?
What is your Ruling & Why? How would you explain to opposing Coach?
During an equipment inspection, A1’s handle has a tape ring measuring more than 3.5 inches in circumference that is: (a) within 3 inches or (b) more than 3 inches from the butt end of the handle.
RULINGS: (a) Legal (b) The stick is not considered illegal. The tape ring, which is more than 3 inches from the butt end of the handle, must be removed before the stick is returned to play. There is no penalty assessed.
Handles that have been altered in any fashion, other than taping or adding another covering designed to improve the grip, are prohibited & need to be removed before the stick is allowed back into the game. Rationale: Alterations such as these are not “illegal” in that a penalty is assessed, but they are considered prohibited & need to be corrected before the stick can be used. Should you find this same stick has returned to the game in the same condition, then that player may be assessed an Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty. As Tom always stresses, Let’s not go looking for trouble! “Neither Seek nor Avoid” -- Tim Cullen
No defensive player, other than a properly equipped goalkeeper, can enter his own crease with the perceived intent on blocking a shot or acting as a goalie.are standing in the crease in front of the goal with a clear intet. conduct. ing in the crease in front of the goal with a clear intention of blocking shots, not defending another player. . Situation E
GOAL CREASE PRIVILAGES 4-18-4 Revised for 2018 (page 47)
fr r intet. conduct. ing in the crease in front of the goal with a clear intention of blocking LING: Conduct foul on Team B. If Team A was in possession, Team B in-home serves a 30-second penalty. A secondf Team A was in possession, Team B in-home serves a 30-second penalty. A second violation by Team B should be enforced as unsportsmanlike conduct. RULING: Conduct foul on the defensive player. If Team A was in possession, Flag Down & Team A player serves a 30-sec. penalty. A 2nd violation by the same team will be enforced as a releasable Unsportsmanlike Conduct foul served by the offending player. Situation E
Reminder: Rule Change from 2017
Note: Officials will stop play as soon as they notice the situation. However, if a shot is already in flight when this is noticed, the shot will be allowed to come to its normal conclusion before the whistle blows to stop play. Rationale: This is a Safety Issue. Only the goalkeeper may be located within the crease with the intent to block a shot or act as goalie.
Correct reference from "B2" to
SITUATION (NEW) (pg 49) Correct reference from "B2" to "Team B" for rule change. A1 takes a shot while B1 Goalkeeper is away from the crease area. While the shot is in flight, B2 nongoalkeeper-defender steps in the crease to block the shot.
4.18.4 SITUATION (NEW) (pg 49) RULINGS:
Play-on until the shot comes to its normal conclusion. If this is Team B’s first violation of this type: (a) if the ball did not enter the goal, stop play & award ball to Team A. B2 does not serve penalty time. (b) If the ball entered the goal as a result of the shot, B2’s violation is wiped out by the goal.
SITUATION (NEW) (pg 49) If it is Team B’s second or any subsequent violation of this type... (a) if the ball did not enter the goal, stop play. B2 will serve a 1-minute releasable unsportsmanlike conduct foul. Award the ball to Team A laterally outside of the Goal Area. (b) If the ball entered the goal as a result of the shot, B2 will serve a 1-minute releasable unsportsmanlike conduct foul. Resume play with a faceoff.
SITUATION E (pg 47) Two or more defenders from Team B are standing in the crease in front of the gaol with a clear intention of blocking shots, not defending another player.
4.18.1 SITUATION E (pg 47) RULING:
All offending Team B players could serve penalty time. One of the players is assessed a conduct foul and will serve a 30-second penalty (unless a goal was scored, then this penalty is wiped out). Each of the other players is assessed a one-minute releasable personal foul. If Team B had already been assessed a conduct foul under this rule, then all of the offending players are assessed a one-minute releasable personal foul.
Rule Clarification for 2018
6-5-2x (page 71): Failure to wear the required mouthpiece properly (unless it comes out during play) is still a technical foul. Rationale: This clarification brings foul into conformity with current trends in the sport to make it more likely to be enforced and, therefore, should bring greater compliance for risk minimization.
Mouthpiece Clarification
Situation 1: B1 is not wearing his mouthpiece and attempts to gain possession of a loose ball.
Mouthpiece Clarification
RULING: Stop play. Award ball to Team A.
Mouthpiece Clarification
Situation 2: A1, while driving to the goal, has no mouthpiece, the mouthpiece is hanging from his face mask or it is in his mouth but not worn properly.
1.9.1 SITUATION B (page 19) RULING: Stop play - Technical Violation - Award the ball to Team B unless the official knows the mouthpiece came out as a result of play. If it did, stop play & have him put it back in. Restart play 20 yards laterally outside the box.
Mouthpiece Clarification
Situation 3: A1 is driving towards the goal while being closely guarded by B1. You notice a) A1 is not wearing his mouthpiece, or b) B1 is not wearing his mouthpiece.
Mouthpiece Clarification
RULINGS: a) Stop play & award ball to Team B. b) Flag down / slow whistle. Allow the scoring attempt to come to completion. Once the scoring attempt is completed, stop play and assess the technical foul. If a goal was scored, penalty is wiped out.
Coaches Concerns The problem here is consistency. If there is going to be a considerable number of officials who will not enforce the rule while others do, we look bad. We must all try to be consistent on this. If we begin enforcement early in the season - and early in the game - we can clean this up. Do not wait until double-overtime, or even the 4th quarter, to make this call.
Existing Situation: A1 is running down the field in his attack half of the field, with no player from Team B near him. He loses any mandatory equipment and then shoots at goal, scoring a goal.
Existing 4.24.6 Situation: RULING:
Legal goal. Officials should be ready to stop play to prevent a potential injury if any player of Team B is close enough to engage player A1.
Section 24 - Article 6 A1 is running in his attack half of the field with a player from Team B near him. He loses any mandatory equipment as a result of the play. For Discussion: (a) A1 maintains possession of the ball (b) Ball is loose when player A1 loses any mandatory piece of equipment
Section 24 - Article 6 RULINGS:
(a) Stop play... correct equipment issue and Award ball back to team A. (b) Stop play... correct equipment issue and Award by Alternate Possession if ball is outside crease. Ball in the crease is awarded to the Defense.
A1. NEW NOTE: If Defensive player B1 loses any mandatory equipment, he must leave the field or regain his equipment before continuing to play. It is a technical foul if B1 continues to play without mandatory equipment. If the situation is potentially dangerous, officials should stop play and assess the foul/violation.
ART. 1: RESTART – Whenever a player has been awarded the ball for any reason. Under such conditions, no player may take a position closer to him than five yards. This means both Offensive and Defensive players. Make sure you always identify which player has the ball on any re‐start so you, your partner & the opposing team (especially the goalie) know who has the ball and at which spot on the field play is starting from.
Rule 4, Section 5 - PLAY OF THE BALL
For Discussion: What other issues are involved with restarts? What things can we do to ensure a proper Restart?
IMPORTANT on RESTARTS The key is not to Disdadvantage the Defense or allow the Offense to gain an Advantage. Take your Time, but Hurry up! Both the Player & the Officials need to be Ready. Look for “Ready” signal or if partner has hands up stopping play. Restart the ball quickly after a loose ball technical violation at spot where whistle stopped play. If penalty is time-serving, Free Clear... or 20 yards latterally in the alley outside Attack Area, or top corner. If Defense is entitled to the ball, a quick restart within the box, or even within the crease, is allowed.
Ensure the player does not get a running start
Ensure the player does not get a running start. Make him stop, or at least give a hesitation, so he does not gain an advantage. Restart the ball quickly on shots out-of-bounds on endlines / sidelines at the approximate spot where it went out. Give a visible 5 second count. Player with the ball is entitled to 5 yard seperation from all other players (including his own teammates). Again, give a visible 5 count along w/verbal commands to a player intentionally causing a delay. Goalies get a maximum of 5 seconds to re-enter the crease on ANY Restart. Be aware, either coach may call for a Time Out on the dead ball. Ensure teams have the proper number of players after a TO, Penalty Adjudication or prior to a FO.
Reminder: Rule Change from 2017
(page 73): During the last two minutes of regulation play, stalling rules are in effect for the team that is ahead by four goals or less. When the score differential is five goals or more, neither team is forced to keep the ball in the goal area unless warned to “keep it in.” Rationale: The “automatic stall warning” in the last two minutes created a dangerous situation where a team that was essentially “out of the game” was given more opportunity to “punish” the team that was ahead since that team was forced to “keep it in.”
Advancing the ball -- Get it in
Q: Team A has possession of the ball in its offensive half, outside of the attack area and is under the requirement to bring the ball into the goal area (either “advance the ball” or a “get it in” situation). The ball is deflected by Team B and goes out of bounds. Is team A entitled to a full 10 seconds to get the ball into the attack area?
Advancing the ball -- Get it in
RULING: Yes. The 10-count resets on the restart.
Advancing the ball -- Get it in
Q: Team A has possession of the ball in its offensive half, outside of the of their attack area and is under the requirement to bring the ball into the goal area (either “advance the ball” or “get it in” situation). An official blows his whistle to stop the play (e.g. an injury, an equipment issue, a Play-on or Time Out is called). Is Team A entitled to a full 10 seconds to get the ball into the attack area?
Advancing the ball -- Get it in
RULING: Yes. The 10-count is reset on the restart. Note: If there was a Play-on & play continued, a new count begins when the offended team regains possession.
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