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Jeopardy Hosted by ***.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Hosted by ***."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Hosted by ***

2 Ratios Proportions Similar  Other 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 What is ¾? Simplify: Row 1, Col 1

4 What is x = 1.6? Solve: 1,2

5 A ratio between a pair of corresponding sides of two
What is a scale factor? A ratio between a pair of corresponding sides of two similar polygons. 1,3

6 The proportion for the following:
What is x = 8? The proportion for the following: x 12 18 1,4

7 What is 24/5? Simplify: 2,1

8 What is x = 16? Solve: 2,2

9 What is x = 16? Solve for x: 24 12 8 x 10 2,3

10 What is x = 9.6? Solve for x: 8 10 x 12 2,4

11 Find the ratio and simplify:
What is 11/7? Find the ratio and simplify: 35 A B C 55 D E F ABC ~ DEF 3,1

12 What is x = 1? Solve for x: 3,2

13 Solve for x: RED ~ SUN RE = 6, ED = 8, RD = 9
What is x = 20? Solve for x: RED ~ SUN RE = 6, ED = 8, RD = 9 SU = 15, UN = x, SN = 22.5 3,3

14 What is x = 3? Solve for x: 6 9 x 2 3,4

15 What is 8/3? Simplify the ratio: 4,1

16 Solve the following for x:
What is x = 12? Solve the following for x: 4,2

17 State why the two triangles
What is SSS ~? State why the two triangles are similar. 24 18 30 9 12 15 4,3

18 (Type the question for 4,4 here.)?
Solve for x: 16 8 12 – x x 4,4

19 Simplify the following ratio:
What is 7/17? Simplify the following ratio: e = 6, f = 15, and g = 30 5,1

20 What is x = 3? Solve for x: 5,2

21 What is x = 42? Solve for x: 14 x 60 24 18 5,3

22 What is x = 2? Solve for x: 21 15 x + 5 x + 3 5,4

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