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Aim: How would we clone a human?

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1 Aim: How would we clone a human?
DO NOW: Write down 1 reason why having a clone of yourself could be beneficial. Write down having a clone of yourself would not be good. Aim: How would we clone a human?

2 What is a clone? A clone is an individual that has the same genetic information (DNA) as another individual. Clones can occur naturally- Cells or organism that reproduce asexually (mitosis, budding, ect.) Identical twins - because they come from the same zygote and they have the same DNA Clones can also be made artificially by means of human intervention (scientist).

3 How to make a clone? Step1- You need a reason to clone something because cloning something is very expensive. Scientists clone organisms because the organism has a trait or characteristic that is desired (wanted) Example: Produces a certain hormone, taste great, insect resistant, reintroduce extinct species, bring back a dead pet, grow new tissue, clones can be used as spare parts..

4 How to make a clone? (cont)
Step 2- Get a body cell from the desired organism. Why do you have to use a body cell and not a sex cell like an egg or sperm? You must use a body cell because it contains the right amount of chromosomes (REMEMBER: sex cells only have half the chromosome number)

5 How to make a clone? (cont)
Step 3 – Take an unfertilized egg from another organism and remove its nucleus.

6 How to make a clone? (cont)
Step 4 – Take out the nucleus from the body cell and put it in the un-nucleated egg cell.

7 How to make a clone? (cont)
Step 5 – Stimulate the “new egg” to begin cell division (mitosis) by placing it in a special chemical.

8 How to make a clone? (cont)
Step 6 – Take out the ball of cells (morula) and transplant it in another organism (surrogate mother).

9 How to make a clone? (cont)
Step 7– Baby is born having no genetic influences from surrogate mother and is identical to body cell donor.

10 Drawbacks to Cloning Clones take time to grow. Clones need to develop like all organisms (they start out as babies). Cloning takes time. There is no variety. All the organisms are the same. Ethics- Do clones have rights like the original individual who gave the genetic information? Some people would like to grow clones to make spare parts for us. Is this right?

11 Comparing … Selective breeding Cloning Creates new varieties
Takes many generations Combines two parent varieties Ancient technique Creates a clone / genetically identical offspring Immediate result DNA from a single parent Modern technique


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