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The Cage Efficient Construction in 3D using a Cubic Adaptive Grid

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Presentation on theme: "The Cage Efficient Construction in 3D using a Cubic Adaptive Grid"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cage Efficient Construction in 3D using a Cubic Adaptive Grid
Patrick Baudisch GMD-IPSI

2 Contents Motivation Existing alignment tools The Cage
Appearance Functionality Aligning Objects using The Cage Video: 5 min Conclusions

3 Motivation Context: Direct manipulative 3D modelers
Problem: How to get precise results? Tasks to solve Align many objects to a reference object Keep an object aligned while manipulating it

4 Existing alignment tools
1. Traditional grids are fast but not flexible 2. Explicit alignment is flexible but slow Solution: A grid with the same flexibility as explicit alignment

5 Appearance/Enclosing planes
Turn planes on/off

6 Appearance/Components
line grid translucent planes axes labels

7 User interface Surround SetSystem Appearance Fine positions functions

8 Surround Position the Cage 1. Surround selected objects
2. Selection empty -> Surround whole scene 3. Empty Scene -> Default size

9 Manual positioning Thumbwheels adjust Cage size

10 SetSystem Adapt the Cage to the local coordinate system of a selected object

11 Aligning Objects Align blue cubes to red reference cube

12 An example snapping method
Restrict snapping

13 Restricted alignment Place teapot on the table Move teapot around

14 (Show Video here)

15 Conclusions Extends the applicability of snap-to-grid
Align many objects to a reference object > The Cage is faster than explicit alignment More flexible than normal grids Does not clutter the screen Additional functions help the user to orient himself reference for any alignment

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