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Role Models By: Stella, Hope & Maddy.

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Presentation on theme: "Role Models By: Stella, Hope & Maddy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role Models By: Stella, Hope & Maddy

2 Definition: Positive Role Model (2 marks)
Include characteristics of positive role models (3 marks) Definition: Negative Role Model (2 marks) Include characteristics of negative role models (3 marks) Descriptive Paragraph: Answer the question: What do young people look for in role models to follow throughout their youth? Include personal reflection/experience in your writing. (5 marks) Example: Positive role model in our local community. (1 mark) Images of this person/these people (1 mark) Explanation of WHY they are a positive role model (3 marks) 5 Interview questions for them if you could get a chance to meet them (5 marks) BONUS: ACTUALLY interview the person and provide a transcript (+5 marks) Example: Positive role model in our global community (1 mark) Images of this person/these people Interview questions for them if you could get a change to meet them (5 marks) Example: NEGATIVE role model in our global community (1 mark) Include: Interview questions for them if you could get a chance to meet them (5 marks)

3 What is a Positive Role Model?
A positive role model is... Honest Trustworthy Kind Caring Loyal Humble Positive Attitude Confident Respectful Helpful

4 A Negative role model is...
Rude Unhelpful Mean Rule breaker Obnoixous Annoying Unkind Offensive Disagreeable Hateful Horrible

5 What do young people look for in role models?
Young people look for role models who are kind, inspiring, truthful, and caring. These are just some of the characteristics role models can have. A role model can be someone who does an activity and is very good at it. Examples: soccer, art, dance, etc. Examples: Stella’s Example: “I look up to Mrs. Anderson, my parents and my friend, Gwen.” Maddy’s Example: “I look up to manga artists because they inspire me to do more art to be as good as them one day.” Hope’s Example: “I look up to professional dancers because I might be one one day, and they are inspiring to me.”

6 Community Good Role Models
Mayor Naheed Nenshi

7 Good Role Model: Nenshi
He is a good role model because he works hard at his job, he is intelligent, he is funny, he sees the value in everything, and he listens to the people. He often does nice things for the community, like visiting the Drop In Center.

8 Mayor Nenshi Interview Questions.
How did you become mayor? What made you want to become mayor? How did you first get into politics? What made you want to make a difference? What made you want to help the community, and visit many organizations like the Drop In Center?

9 Community Negative Role Models

10 Bad Role Model: Bullies
Bullies are bad role models because they hurt people around them, and most of them get away with it because everyone else is too scared to go to an adult. There is also to many ways of bullying like cyber, physical, verbal, and social. Cyber: Online bullying. Physical: Fighting and action bullying. Verbal: Words they say. Social: Spreading rumors about that person.

11 Questions for bullies Why do you do this to people?
Do you like bullying? What type of bullying do you do? How much have you gotten in trouble? How are you handling the guilt? Or do you have any?

12 Positive role model: Taylor Swift

13 Why she is a good role model
Taylor Swift is a good role model because she teaches kids to stand up to bullies in her song “Mean”. She donates money to charities for kids. Many of her other songs also spread good messages, like her song, “Shake it off.” Which she talks about not letting haters, (bullies) bring you down.

14 Interview Questions for Taylor
How did you start your career as a singer? What inspired you to start putting good messages in your songs? What made you want to donate money to children in need? What made you want to volunteer frequently at hospitals? What made you care about your fans so much?

15 Negative role model: Chris Brown

16 Why he is a negative role model
Chris Brown is a negative role model because when he was driving, he started kicking his girlfriend and after started lying that he has “unresolved anger issues.” It’s not a good example for boys when they have girlfriends and they should not do this because you also might get into a car accident.

17 Interview with Chris Brown
What made you want to lie? Why do you set the example you do? Do you believe you are a bad or good example? If you believe you have a good example, what good actions have you done? Do you admit what you have done is bad?

18 The End

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