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Introduction What is an institutional repository? Why use an IR?

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction What is an institutional repository? Why use an IR?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction What is an institutional repository? Why use an IR?
Why D-Space Implementation Demonstration

2 Institutional Repositories
“" that a university offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members. It is most essentially an organizational commitment to the stewardship of these digital materials, including long-term preservation where appropriate, as well as organization and access or distribution." ” Clifford Lynch, Center for Networked Information

3 Why use an IR? Share, via open access, results of IIT's research, instruction materials Global awareness of IIT's scholarly output Long-term preservation of all forms of digital materials Single location for everything

4 Why use an IR? NSF and Patent data storage requirements Copyright
Strategic Goal Overall Good

5 Why D-Space? Open Source Highly configurable & customizable
Widely used Large community of developers Extensible

6 Implementation Basic setup: 4-6 weeks
Hardware: $13,000 Customization & advanced configuration: weeks Consultant: $3,000

7 D-Space @ IIT Galvin channel via MyIIT
account/submissions/community How it Works


9 D-Space and the CoA Master Theses Building Drawings/Plans CoA Lectures
CTBUH Data File Sharing










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