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Experimental design Ms. Jenkins.

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Presentation on theme: "Experimental design Ms. Jenkins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experimental design Ms. Jenkins

2 Question and Hypothesis
I wonder how… what… What is the problem? Hypothesis: “If … then” statement relating to the question How will one factor change another?

3 Variables The independent variable is the variable that is purposely changed. It is the manipulated variable. The dependent variable changes in response to the independent variable. It is the responding variable. It is what we are measuring. *dependent depends on the independent

4 Constants Factors that are kept the same and are not allowed to change

5 Practice Problem: You want to know how much sunlight will make a plant grow the tallest Independent: Dependent: Constants:

6 Control What: The part of the experiment that serves as a standard of comparison. Why?: It is the unchanged part of the experiment that detects the effects of hidden variables.

7 Observations Qualitative: They are what you perceive that occurred during the course of your experiment. Quantitative: Numbers in the form of raw data displayed in data tables and graphs

8 Why results supported or did not support the hypothesis.
Conclusions Why results supported or did not support the hypothesis. Hypotheses are never “wrong”. They are either supported or not supported. Include reasons for the hypothesis to be supported or unsupported. (What does the data tell you?)

9 TO DO Work with your partner on the HELICOPTER LAB
* Read all directions carefully * Write in complete sentences


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