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PTA for Vice Presidents and Chairs

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1 PTA for Vice Presidents and Chairs
Kelsey Geist VP Programs, NFCPTA Liliana Brenner President Elect NFC PTA May 15, 2018

2 Welcome to PTA!

3 Our Purposes Our Mission
The overall purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. The purpose of the North Fulton Council of PTA’s is to support and empower our local units through education, collaboration and resources services and to bring together all partners in education.

4 PTA’s Purpose - Advocacy
Q1. Which of these statements best describes PTA's ability to advocate for students? ___ We can raise awareness about educational issues, as long as they are not part of a political bill ___ We can raise awareness about political issues, but cannot take a position, and must present both sides. ___ We can advocate for or against a political issue, but not support/oppose political candidates ___ We can advocate for or against political issues, and support/oppose political candidates

5 PTA’s Purpose - Advocacy
Q1. Which of these statements best describes PTA's ability to advocate for students? ANSWER: We can advocate for or against a political issue, but not support/oppose political candidates

6 Membership PTA Structure Local Unit Structure Local Units
State Board District 10 EC NFCPTA Pricilla Borders is the District 10 Director Tyler BarrPresident Georgia PTA Karen Hallacy President Elect Georgia PTA Local Units PTAs and PTSAs

7 PTA – Local Unit Structure
Q2. Who are the members of the Executive Committee of your local unit PTA? (Check all that apply) ___ Elected officers ___ Committee chairs (__Standing Committee Chairs ___Special Committee Chairs) ___ Parliamentarian ___ Principal (or their designated appointee) Your Board of Directors (not your EC) is the legal entity of your association and acts on behalf of your membership.

8 PTA – Local Unit Structure
Q2. Who are the members of the Executive Committee of your local unit PTA? (Check all that apply Answer: Elected officers, Parliamentarian, Principal (or their designated appointee)

9 PTA – Local Unit Structure
Q3. Who are the members of your local unit PTA Board of Directors? (Check all that apply) ___ Elected officers ___ Committee chairs ( ___ Standing Committee Chairs | ____ Special Committee Chairs) ___ Parliamentarian ___ Principal (or their designated appointee)

10 PTA – Local Unit Structure
Q3. Who are the members of your local unit PTA Board of Directors? (Check all that apply) Answer: Executive Committee and the Standing committee chairs (year-round programs) * Special Committee chairs (chairs of events, nominating committee, budget committee, etc.) are not members of the PTA Board of Directors

11 VPs and Chairs - Duties VPs Chairs
Serve on the Executive Committee (EC) Positions are defined in the bylaws Elected by the general membership As members of the EC: Vote on the Committee Chairs Approve submitted Plans of Work Approve the proposed budget Voted on by the EC Positions and descriptions are determined by the EC Usually supported by a VP Run a standing (not special) committee Have a budget Submit a Plan of Work to the EC Are PTA Members Serve on the Board of Directors Meet regularly to guide the PTA Follow Bylaws

12 Plans of Work Q4. Who approves your plan of work? ___ Executive Committee Members ___ Standing Committee Chairs ___ Both Executive Board and Committee Chairs – Full board ___ The Principal

13 Plans of Work Q4. Who approves your plan of work? Answer: The Executive Committee Members approve the presidents plan of work, the plan from each chair, and their own plans.

14 Plans of Work To develop your own plan of work:
Review the existing plan Talk to the previous chair/VP Focus on what worked/what needs improvement Focus on resources – People/Time/Funding/Venue/Stuff Ask for budget adjustment, if needed. Develop a plan to engage more volunteers, or even cut back if needed Incorporate other suggested improvements Submit the plan to the Executive Committee for approval Conduct the program Assess your success Review the provided blank plan of work


16 The 3 to 1 rule Q5. What does the 3 to 1 rule refer to?
___ An IRS requirement for nonprofits ___ The ratio of volunteers to students for an activity ___ The minimum number of projects a fundraiser should support ___ The number of hours volunteers should spend in the classroom vs outside of it (home/hallways, etc)

17 The 3 to 1 rule Q5. What does the 3 to 1 rule refer to?
Answer: The minimum number of projects a fundraiser should support. (One fundraiser should support at least three events or programs)

18 Fundraising The 3 to 1 rule: A fundraiser for PTA should support a minimum of three programs/projects Money raised must be turned in on a cash verification form Two people must count and sign for the amount Do not take money home! Consider other sources of revenue Grants Business partners

19 National Standards for Family-School Partnerships
Welcoming all families into the school community Communicating effectively Supporting student success Speaking up for every child Sharing power Collaborating with community The PTA National Standards for Family-School Partnerships found on the Georgia PTA website National Standards for Family School Partnerships are just that - a set of standards for PTAs to follow.  They things that we should all be doing to support student sucess. No need to go into detail in your presentation but here are a few highlights: National PTA developed the standards The state of Georgia actually adopted the standards as well - so these 6 standards represent things that PTAs and schools should be doing. For example - Welcoming All Families - is having materials printed on the first day in as many languages as possible, that represent the significant (not necessarily majority) of your population.    National PTA has may resources on this and of course at Council we can always help.  So the awards we talk about in the presentation - they use the Standards too. Like asking the local unit to describe ways that it demonstrates the standards. So thats why we ask them to grade themselves on the standards - so they can find opportunities for growth. Read this for more info, and feel free to include it in your presentation as an idea for them to grade their own school. Theres a lot there on that page so I would say read the brief descriptions and look at the Assessment.  Welcoming all families into the school community – We need them to feel welcome and be active participants at the school Communicating effectively - Families and school staff engage in meaningful communication about student learning. Supporting student success – Collaborate together to support students’ learning and healthy development both at home and at school. Speaking up for every child - Advocate for the children, to ensure that students are treated fairly and have access to opportunities. Sharing power – Lets be equal partners in taking decisions that affect children and families. Collaborating with community. Expand learning opportunities by promoting community services, and civic participation

20 National Standards for Family-School Partnerships
Question 6: On a scale of A through F, how would you grade your school's effectiveness with each of component of the National Standards for Family – School Partnerships? ___ Welcoming all families into the school community ___ Communicating effectively ___ Supporting student success ___ Speaking up for every child ___ Sharing power ___ Collaborating with community

21 Awards and Reports PTA has a variety of reports that Local units can submit for awards. The most common reports that are submitted at the North Fulton PTA level : Connect with Council Award Model PTA Award Outstanding Local Unit Award

22 Connect with Council Award .
Awards and Reports Connect with Council Award . “We recognize you for connecting with the council. To receive this award, A local unit must participate in at least 20 of the 27 requirements A local unit must attend 2/3 of our NFC PTA and District 10 events. Download the form from website and submit the completed form via before the due date Questions “Connect with Council” is intended to provide support, assistance, and leadership training to officers of Local Unit PTAs.  Participation in these events by Local Units will be recognized with an award which reflects the Local Unit’s dedication to their school and greater community. To receive this award, a local unit must participate in at least 20 of the 27 requirements listed in the Connect with the council application. (Print document from website) Attend two-thirds (2/3) of the training events hosted by NFC PTA and District 10 (School of Information and/or District Conferences) (at least 1 representative per event). Include any required documentation. Submit the completed form via to the NFC PTA VP of Membership before the due date (TBD) Usually at the end of March.

23 Applications with instructions can be downloaded from
Awards and Reports Model PTA Award Encourages local unit PTA to be “In Good Standing”. It consist of two parts: An administrative checklist that helps you keep track of due dates. Part two, is optional, is for the Georgia PTA Hearst Family- School Partnership Award.   Applications with instructions can be downloaded from This report encourages and directs the local unit PTA to fulfill the requirements to be “In Good Standing”. Benefits: Provides a course of action to create and maintain a mature family engagement system within the school, creating a foundation of support for families to assist them in transitioning their children ready for school, kindergarten to grade 12, to graduation, to college and career ready. Leads the local unit PTA to be an effective and more efficient school collaborator. Having an at-a-glance Administrative Guidelines checklist makes it easier for the PTA to address core issues, leaving time to connect with families on a more comprehensive level. Increases and enhances family and community involvement and engagement. It provides good publicity for your school. It consist of two parts: Part one is an administrative checklist and is a great tool for all local unit to use throughout the school year to help them keep track of due dates. This award is given to all local units who successfully complete the criteria. Part two, which is optional, is for the Georgia PTA Hearst Family-School Partnership Award. This award recognizes local units who put forth effort throughout the year to engage their families and community in innovative ways.  You will find the application with instructions on the NFC PTA website

24 Awards and Reports Outstanding Local Unit Award
This is awarded at both the Council and State Level. It is given to the top three local units at each school level – elementary, middle and high school. It consist of three parts: Several checklists Narrative based on the PTA National Standards for Family- School Partnerships. A scrapbook that supports part 2 The application can be downloaded at Questions This report, which is award at both the Council and State Level, is exactly as it states.  It is given to the top three local units at each school level – elementary, middle and high school. There are three main parts to the application for the award. Part One consists of several checklists Part Two is a narrative based on the PTA National Standards for Family-School Partnerships found on the Georgia PTA website. Part Three is a scrapbook showing supporting documentation for Part Two. The application can be downloaded from our NFC PTA website. If you have any questions about these or any other reports, please contact North Fulton Council’s report chair

25 Training and Resources
Send someone to all training events! NFCPTA – Three SOIs per year (Free) District 10 – Fall & Spring Conferences (Free) State – CLT and other opportunities, including webinars Training is the key to keeping on track and helps prevent problems - Get plugged in! Q7. When you have a question or concern about your bylaws, your budget, or other local unit issues and procedures, who should you contact first? ___ North Fulton Council – ___ Tye Barnett – office manager for GA PTA ___ GA PTA president Tyler Barr ___ The media

26 What does NFCPTA provide for you?
Provides information Provides training Provides support Provides answers Provides events And much more! When you have a question or concern about your bylaws, your budget, or other local unit issues and procedures please contact us first at –

27 Thank you! More Resources North Fulton Council
District 10 – Georgia PTA – National PTA – Thank you!

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