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Communication Template

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1 Communication Template
March 13-15, 2013 Intermountain Medical Center Salt Lake City, Utah Communication Template From the Bedside to the Balance Sheet: Engaging Front-line and Finance Staff to Lower Costs and Drive Quality Jill - Welcome What will you do by Tuesday?

2 Aim & Strategic alignment
What are you trying to accomplish? How does this align with your strategic priorities and key initiatives?

3 Global Metric Consider at least one (1) run chart that demonstrates the impact of your portfolio on a global metric for your organization, service line or department (see example). Describe: Directions: Create a run chart demonstrating your savings/tracking over time. This slides should reflect a summary of your work over the past 1-2 years. See example on the following slide. Consider one of the following types of global metrics: Cost/case Cost/discharge % operating expense (dollar savings to date)

4 Example Global Metric This is just an example. You can delete this slide from your final slide set and replace it with your own global metric.

5 Key stakeholders List & describe

6 Potential Portfolio Aim of Portfolio: Current Portfolio Projects:
Percentage of Operating Budget Savings in US Dollars Project Name Projected Savings Savings to Date Key Changes Quality Measure $ Totals Directions: Please list your organization’s projects, projected savings, savings to date, key changes and quality measure(s). Key Changes: What did you do? Examples might be “implemented bundles” or “standardized guidelines” Quality Measure(s): What aspect of clinical performance or patient/family experience are you tracking for this project? What are you measuring to know if you are on track? If no quality measure, did you analyze? "N/A Yes" or "N/A No"...."

7 1 – Charter established 2 – Activity, but no changes 3 – Modest improvement
4 – Significant progress 5 – Outstanding success Project Progress Project Name / Month 2012 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ED Flow Antibiotic stewardship 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Directions: List projects from your portfolio down the first column. For each project, describe your progress over the past year (+) using the 1-5 scale above. The timeline begins January 2011 – December 2012 See examples above.

8 Learning from tests of change
Will these projects created capacity/capability in the organization for more improvement? How? What processes (clinical or operational) will need to change as a result of your potential portfolio? What outcomes do you expect to change? Please describe Directions: Have these projects created capacity/capability in the organization for more improvement? How? What processes (clinical or operational) have changed as a result of your Impacting Cost + Quality projects? Have outcomes changed? Please describe We will summarize and give feedback to group on learning across the Impacting Cost + Quality prototyping group.

9 Potential Barriers & Breakthroughs
‘Derailers’ or potential threats Opportunities

10 Timeline & Next steps Internal messaging (talking points) 7-days

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