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Visual Arts 30S Transcona collegiate institute Semester 1

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1 Visual Arts 30S Transcona collegiate institute Semester 1
September 2017 – January 2018

2 Course objectives The purpose of this course it to increase your overall awareness, appreciation, and hands-on experience in the area of visual art.

3 Course objectives The four essential learning areas as outlined by the Manitoba Arts Curriculum are: MAKING – skill sets & techniques taught in class CREATING – development of original & unique ideas CONNECTING – the role of visual arts beyond the classroom RESPONDING – thinking & reflecting

4 Course Content Major Project #1: Surreal Acrylic Painting
Major Project #2: Ceramic Tile Major Project #3: Independent Project 4 Portraits Artist Research Assignment 2 formal critiques in response to artwork

5 Evaluation A variety of assessment methods are used to determine the level of understanding you possess with regards to art concepts and techniques. Criteria Based Rubrics Peer & Self-Assessment Written Reports & Research Verbal Dialogue Critiquing Sharing

6 evaluation With the provincially mandated shift towards OUTCOME BASED ASSESSMENT, you will be assigned a score from 0-4, based on your achievement within each of the 13 Visual Arts Outcomes. A percentage grade will be assigned at reporting periods based on your progress in the course. Further Information regarding the Manitoba Visual Arts Curriculum can be found at:

7 evaluation GRADING BREAKDOWN (4 Essential Learning Areas) MAKING – 45%

8 evaluation GRADING BREAKDOWN (13 Visual Arts Outcomes) MAKING
VA-M1 – 45% - develops competencies for using elements and principles related to artistic design in a variety of contexts. VA-M2 – 45% - develops competencies for using visual art media, tools, techniques, and processes in a variety of contexts. VA-M3 – 10% - develops skills in observation and depiction.

9 evaluation GRADING BREAKDOWN (13 Visual Arts Outcomes) CREATING
VA-CR1 – 30% - generates ideas from a variety of sources for creating art. VA-CR2 – 40% - experiments with and develops ideas for creating art. VA-CR3 – 30% - revises, refines, and shares ideas for creating art.

10 evaluation GRADING BREAKDOWN (13 Visual Arts Outcomes) CONNECTING
VA-C1 – 60% - develops understandings about people, practices, and perspectives from the world of visual arts in various times, places, social groups, and cultures. VA-C2 – 10% - develops understandings about relationships between visual arts and multiple contexts past and present. VA-C3 – 30% - develops understanding about the roles, purposes, and meanings of visual arts for self and others.

11 evaluation GRADING BREAKDOWN (13 Visual Arts Outcomes) RESPONDING
VA-R1 – 10% - generates initial reactions to art experiences. VA-R2 – 30% - critically observes and describes art experiences. VA-R3 – 30% - analyzes and interprets art experiences. VA-R4 – 30% - constructs meanings about art experiences.

12 Late Work ALL students are expected to hand in assignments ON TIME.
Due dates are firmly established, and all in-class work on projects will stop once a due date has arrived. Students may be granted a one-week grace period if they have made a request for an extension prior to the due date. Otherwise, the assignment will be assessed in the state it is in on the submission date.

13 Late Work Work will be considered incomplete until it is submitted
Zeros will be assigned if the work is not turned in by the end of the semester.

14 Missed classes It is the student’s responsibility to collect any materials, and to complete any and all work that was missed due to an absence, whether excused or un-excused.

15 ART LAB FEE There is a $45.00 ART LAB FEE, which covers the cost of all materials used in this course.

16 Contact information If you have any questions regarding assignments, or would like to schedule a time to meet for additional assistance, please see me (room M409) to arrange a time, or me at: BRANDIS JONASSON

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