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Internet Trends and the Cost of Connectivity

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1 Internet Trends and the Cost of Connectivity
1st BroadSky Workshop, Lacco Ameno, Italy November 6, 2003 Will Ivancic –

2 NASA Glenn’s Space Communications Program
Experimental Satellites (70s – early 90s) Maintain US preeminence in satellite communication Focused on Commercial Communications Satellites Space Communications (mid 90s +) NASA Mission Focused Earth Science Computer Information and Communications Technology (CICT) Human Exploration and Development of Space Aeronautics (2000 +) Capacity (Air Traffic Management) Safety (Weather and Security) $$$ $$$ $$$

3 Aeronautics Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (Low Data-Rate Requirements) Delivery via VHF and/or Satellite Command and Control requires a reliable transport protocol Current protocols Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) Moving Toward IPv6 (commercial standards) Weather (Low Data-Rate Requirements) Possible use of multicasting and broadcasting protocols Low Bandwidth requirements May use non-reliable transport protocols (no feedback) Others (Medium to High Data-Rate Requirements) Entertainment Maintenance Video Surveillance Black Box Data eBusiness (Records, manuals, maps, etc…)

4 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Currently the Dominant Reliable Transport Protocol in the Internet Designed to be fair and operate over shared infrastructure (Congestion Dominates most end-to-end links) Slow Start (Exponential Increase) to probe for bandwidth Rate Halving when packet is lost (Multiplicative Decrease) Rate Increase by 1 packet per round trip (Additive Increase) Parameters Affecting Throughput Bandwidth-Delay Product Congestion Errors File Size

5 Round Trip Time (RTT) Delay
US to Japan Terrestrial 20 – 100 msec GEO Satellite 550 msec (Theory) Real Systems sec Wireless Ethernet Negligible (Network Delay Dominates) G2 / G3 Cellular ~1 Second using General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) from T-Mobile LEO ~1 – 2.5 Seconds (Using Globalstar)

6 Performance Enhancing Proxies (PEPs)
Middleware deployed to help TCP performance over links with large bandwidth-delay products Attempt to optimize control loops Often breaks end-to-end architecture If so, breaks end-to-end reliability (at lease at the transport layer) Difficulty working with Security (IPSec, Virtual Private Networks) PEPs Internet Internet Control Loop 1 Control Loop 2 Control Loop 3 End-to-End Control Loop

7 Reliable Transport Protocol Developments
TCP Swift Start Improves Slow Start Performance TCP Westwood Attacks Additive Increase, Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) problem Cumulative Explicit Transport Error Notification Stream Control Transport Protocol (SCTP) New Reliable Transport Protocol Incorporates many proposed improvements to TCP Byte Counting Selective Acknowledgements Non-Blocking of multiple streams

8 Internet Trends Inexpensive Broadband Connectivity
Cable Modem, DSL, WiFi, G2.5/G3/G4 Always On Connectivity Peer-to-Peer networking Symmetric Links (no longer highly asymmetric) Conversation may be initiated from outside your network! eBusiness Web replaces paper forms (e.g. eNASA, eCoast Guard) Network Centric Warfare Mobile Networking Maintain connections when crossing networks IPv6 Security Network Address Translation and Proxies can really mess things up, but are probably here to stay. Ad Hoc Networking

9 What is Mobile-IP and Mobile Networking?
Mobile IP is a routing protocol that enables IP nodes (hosts and routers) using either IPv4 or IPv6 to seamlessly “roam" among IP subnetworks.  Supports transparency above the IP layer, including the maintenance of active TCP connections and UDP port bindings. Link Independent Supports Multi-Homing (connections to more than one route and/or media type)

10 Mobile Router uses Time FA FA FA PortB Port A NOC HA Carnival Cruise
Ethernet Ethernet FA FA PortB FA Port A NOC HA Carnival Cruise

11 Military Applications
AWACS Home-Agent deployed in BGCC Communications link between BGCC and the Field Command Post Tactical data forwarded from surveillance satellites to the BGCC. Battle Group Command Center (BGCC) Foreign-Agent deployed in UAV Intelligence Control Center UAV Mobile-Router deployed in Armored Field Unit. Secondary communications link utilized due to lost LOS of primary. Non-preferred-path becomes preferred-path Preferred-path Non-preferred-path In case of communications loss of preferred-path Mobile-Router deployed in Armored Field Unit. Foreign-Agent deployed in Tracked Command Post Carrier. Unit deployed in vicinity of the battlefield.

12 Hostage House Request from Headquarters to Cruser when NO contact
via INTERNET Z Foreign Agent HQ Home Agent Z Z Remote Command Center

13 Hostage House Reply from Cruser to Headquarters when NO contact
via INTERNET Z Foreign Agent HQ Home Agent Z Z Remote Command Center

14 Securing Networks Constraints/Tools
Policy Security Policy Education Enforcement Architecture Protocols Must be done up front to be done well

15 Security Security  Bandwidth Utilization  Security  Performance 
Tunnels Tunnels Tunnels and more Tunnels Performance  Security   User turns OFF Security to make system usable! Thus, we need more bandwidth to ensure security. HEADER ENCRYPTION ON THE RF LINK HEADER ENCRYPTION AT THE NETWORK LAYER HEADER VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK PAYLOAD HEADER ORIGINAL PACKET

16 Conclusions Regarding Security
Security Breaks Everything  At least it sometimes feels like that. “The ultimate Denial-of-Service attack.” – D.S. Need to change policy where appropriate. Need to develop good architectures that consider how the wireless systems and protocols operate. If you cannot change policy or architecture, then you must change the protocol. Possible solutions that should be investigated: Dynamic, Protocol aware firewalls and proxies. Possibly incorporated with Authentication and Authorization.

17 Satellites and Their Competition
The Cost of Connectivity

18 RF Technologies (Mobile)
Globalstar (L-Band) Globalstar MCM-8 (Client/Server) Seatel MCM-3 (Client/Server) Qualcomm MDSS-16 Boeing Connex (Ku-Band) INMARSAT Swift 64 TrackNet™ 2.0 (Ku-Band) G2.5/G3/G4 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) – 56 kbps 1xRTT – 110 kbps WiFi (802.11) VHF

19 Satellites vs. The World
Advantages Broadcast / Multicast Large Coverage Area Physical Security Surveillance Remote Sensing Navigation (Supplemented by Governments and Defense Agencies) Disadvantage Cost to deploy Cost of Service Time to deploy Landing Rights (politics) Bandwidth and Frequency reuse Point-to-Point Costs Incremental deployment may be difficult High Link budgets Link Delay

20 Cost of Connectivity (Examples)

21 Deployment issues (mobile)
Equipment Costs Service Cost Network Peculiarities Network Address Translators Performance Enhancing Proxies Security Mechanisms Packet Filtering Connection Mechanisms Smart Card Authentication MAC and/or Static Key (manual login is unacceptable)

22 Verizon Wireless Coverage

23 T-Mobile Coverage

24 Cingular Wireless Coverage

25 GSM Coverage - Terrestrial Based on Particular Service Providers

26 Satellite Coverage Globalstar INMARSAT From SaVi

27 Typical Ku-Band Coverage

28 Applications, Requirements and Costs
Do you need to be connected all the time? 128 kbps 550 msec RTT 11 Mbps ~50 msec RTT What is "always on" connectivity worth to you?

29 Stratospheric Platforms – These Are Coming Soon –
Refernece: Ryu MIURA and Masayuki OOD: “R&D Program on Telecom and Broadcasting System Using High Altitude Platform Stations,” Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory Vol.48 No

30 High Altitude Airships (Platforms) - Coming Soon -
500 feet long, 160 feet in diameter Volume of 5.2 million cubic feet, about 25 times larger than the blimps seen at athletic events. 21.33 km (70,000 feet) elevation Payload 1814 kilograms (4000 pounds) 10 kWatts power The Missile Defense Agency today (Sept ) awarded Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT - News) a $40 million design and risk reduction contract as the next phase of the advanced technology concept demonstration to deliver a high altitude airship (HAA) prototype in 2006


32 Comments Relative to Mobile Networking
Fixed Flat-Rate pricing or die Price per bit or connect time Not manageable Impossible to budget Voice, Video and Data are all just bits Cost of satellite equipment and services justifies: Development of new technologies (e.g. Ad Hoc Networks, High Altitude Airships and Stratospheric Platforms) Deployment of new infrastructure

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