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BalanceWise Nutrition

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1 BalanceWise Nutrition
welcome BalanceWise Nutrition Congratulations on taking an important step toward a healthier lifestyle. BalanceWise Nutrition was developed by Balance Health Center from the best evidence based dietary information available. By following the BalanceWise nutrition principles you’ll maintain a healthy weight without starving, lower your chances of chronic disease, and boost your energy. We’ll teach you everything you need, to eat well for a lifetime.

2 What you will learn…. The importance of portion sizes
How the quality of your food affects your health How to choose the right foods to create a healthy plate Why fad diets don’t work In this course you will learn the importance of portion sizes when choosing a meal, why the quality of your food choices are so important, how to choose the right combinations of vegetables, fruits, proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats to create simple recipes, and why fad diets don’t work.

3 Fad Diets Research indicates that 80% of girls under 10 years old have already been on a diet. By the time we reach our 40s, most people, particularly women, have been on almost 20 different diets in their lifetime. New fad diets develop all the time and most of them are based on either calorie or broad food group restrictions. The only thing that fad diets accurately predict is the fact that you will gain back any weight you have lost. Let’s take a quiz to see how many fad diets you can recognize.

4 Click the Quiz button to edit this object

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