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Personnel Planning and Recruiting

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1 Personnel Planning and Recruiting
Part 2 | Recruitment and Placement Chapter 5 Personnel Planning and Recruiting © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
Explain the main techniques used in employment planning and forecasting. List and discuss the main outside sources of candidates. Effectively recruit job candidates. Name and describe the main internal sources of candidates. Develop a help wanted ad. Explain how to recruit a more diverse workforce. © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Forecasting Personnel Needs
Trend Analysis Scatter Plotting Forecasting Tools Ratio Analysis © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates
Manual Systems and Replacement Charts Qualification Inventories Computerized Information Systems © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

5 Measuring Recruiting Effectiveness
What to Measure How to Measure Evaluating Recruiting Effectiveness © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

6 Finding Internal Candidates
Hiring from Within Job Posting Succession Planning (HRIS) Rehiring Former Employees © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 Types of Employment Agencies
Public Agencies Private Agencies Types of Employment Agencies Nonprofit Agencies © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

8 Offshoring/Outsourcing White-Collar and Other Jobs
Political and Military Instability Cultural Misunderstandings Customers’ security and privacy concerns Foreign contracts, liability, and legal concerns Special training of foreign employees Costs of foreign workers Resentment and anxiety of U.S. employees/unions Main Issues © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

9 Recruiting A More Diverse Workforce
Single Parents Older Workers Welfare-to-Work Minorities and Women The Disabled © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

10 Developing and Using Application Forms
Uses of Application Information Applicant’s education and experience Applicant’s progress and growth Applicant’s employment stability Applicant’s likelihood of success © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

11 Application Forms and the Law
Education Achievements Arrest Record Notification in Case of Emergency Memberships in Organizations Physical Handicaps Marital Status Housing Arrangements Areas of Personal Information © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

12 K E Y T E R M S employment or personnel planning trend analysis
ratio analysis scatter plot computerized forecast qualifications inventories personnel replacement charts position replacement card recruiting yield pyramid job posting succession planning alternative staffing on demand recruiting services (ODRS) application form © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

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