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Open House September 5, 2012 Mrs. Smith – History Mr. Stabrawa – Pre-Algebra/Geometry Mrs. Knasiak – Science Mrs. Gosser – Literacy 3 Mrs. Miller – Literacy.

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2 Open House September 5, 2012

3 Mrs. Smith – History Mr. Stabrawa – Pre-Algebra/Geometry Mrs. Knasiak – Science Mrs. Gosser – Literacy 3 Mrs. Miller – Literacy 3 and 4 Mrs. Felde – Resource

4 You can find important 8-3 information on our website:

5 And Now… Your 8-3 Teachers

6 Hands-on Problem-based Group work Semi-flipped format

7 QUARTER GRADES have 3 components: Practice – 20% Includes homework, class work, start-ups, etc. Application – 30% Includes lab activities, article write-ups, in action diagrams, debate arguments, etc. Assessments – 50% Includes tests, projects and quizzes

8 United States History Textbook Civil War to the Present Group work Explore and seek the information Guide the students Critical thinking skills

9 20% - Assignments (Homework, in-class assignments, warm-ups, binder) 35% - Formative Assessments ( Quizzes, study guides, in-class projects) 45%- Summative Assessments (Tests, major projects, papers) 100%-Total

10 World History: Group work Primary sources Activities Papers Website: Http://district158.haikulear dhistoryhonors/cms_pa ge/view

11 25% - Homework, warm-ups, in-class assignments, binder checks 35% - Quizzes 40% - Test/ major projects/paper

12 We will be heading to Springfield, Illinois on Friday, Sept. 21st We take Coach busses and are gone from approximately 6AM – 10PM Dinner is provided, but students need to bring a sack lunch Form due by 9/10 $90.00 due by 9/18

13 Expert 21 English/Language Arts curriculum Prepares students for the 21 st century Real world writing connections Supportive technology Vocabulary, reading, and grammar interwoven 8 workshops with varying themes (i.e. College 101) Expert Space – Online learning environment with leveled articles 24/7 Access

14 40% - Formative Expert Journal Homework Vocabulary Class work Bell work 60% - Summative Quizzes Tests Final Drafts Long-Term Projects

15 45% Summative Assessments Unit Tests Final Drafts Long-Term Projects Reductions/Annotations Presentations 10% Daily Work Homework Class work Bell work 25% Projects/Speeches 20% Quizzes After every reading

16 Novels, plays, short stories, and poetry Grammar Workbook Vocabulary Book Independent Reading Assignment 3 rd quarter only

17 Mr. Stabrawa Pre-Algebra and Geometry

18 Pre-Alg Quarter Grades will be determined by the students understanding of assignments, tests, quizzes, and cumulative reviews. Homework – 20% Tests – 40% Quizzes – 25% Cumulative Reviews/binder checks – 10% Participation – 5% Corrections may be done on ALL homework for ½ credit. Not accepted after chapter test.

19 Did your child forget their book at school? Did the dog eat page 12? No need to worry – our Pre-Algebra textbook is online! You can also get practice problems, do practice quizzes and tests and more – log on to:

20 Homework – 20% Accuracy and effort grades Quizzes – 25% Tests – 45% Cumulative reviews/Projects/Binder checks – 10% Faster pace means asking questions early and often is vital to success. I am available daily for extra help.

21 Students are going from this: 3x + 2y = 20 (x + 5)(x – 8)

22 To this……. Given: 1 is comp 2 3 is comp 2 Prove:

23 Fall MAP testing- September 11 th -13 th Midterm- Friday, September 21st End of 1 st Quarter-Friday, October 26 th Parent-Teacher Conferences: November 7th-Evening conferences November 8th-Afternoon and evening conferences November 9th-Morning conferences

24 Remember to order your Marlowe Middle School yearbook at Before October 31 st $28.00 After November 1 st $30.00


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