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Carminatives & GI regulators

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1 Carminatives & GI regulators

2 OBJECTIVES On the completion of this period you would be able to know about : The monograph of AJOWAN

3 AJOWAN Synonym : Trachyspermum copticum Bishop’s weed
Biological Source : Dried ripe fruits of the plant Trachyspermum ammi Family : Umbelliferae Fig.21.1

4 AJOWAN Native of Egypt Geographical Source:
Also cultivated in Iran, Iraq Afghanistan, Pakistan India Fig.21.2

5 AJOWAN In INDIA Gujarat Maharastra Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh
West Bengal Bihar and UP Fig.21.3

6 Colour : yellowish-brown
AJOWAN Organoleptic characters: Colour : yellowish-brown Odour : agreeable Taste : aromatic warm like Thymol Size : 1.7 to 3mm long Shape : cremocarps Fig.21.4

7 AJOWAN Chemical Constituents : 2-4% volatile oil 21% fat
25% carbohydrates % proteins traces of Tannins, Glycosides & Steroidal substances. Volatile oil contains : Thymol(35-60%) p-cymene (50-55%) Terpinine (30-35%)

8 AJOWAN USES : Antispasmodic Stimulant & Carminative
Antiseptic & Antifungal Insecticide In the treatment of sore throat & Bronchitis As deodarant in mouthwashes, toothpaste & gargles Fig.21.5

9 Summary In this class we learnt about :
Ajowan consists of dried ripe fruits of Trychyspermum ammi belongs to the Family Umbelliferae contains Volatile oil as main chemical constituent & used as Carminative and flavouring agent

10 Quiz 1. Ajowan belongs to the family a. Scrophulariaceae
b. Leguminosae c. Solanaceae d. Umbelliferae

11 Quiz a. Antipyretic 2. Ajowan is used as b. Carminative
c. Antidiabetic d. Antiviral

12 Quiz 3. Ajowan contains a. Alkaloids b. Glycosides c. Volatile oils
d. Saponins

13 Frequently asked Questions
1. Give one example for Carminatives. Mention the Biological source, Active constituents of Ajowan ( September 2002 )

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