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Deer Valley USD Work Team November 15, 2017

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1 Deer Valley USD 2017-2018 Work Team November 15, 2017
Celebrations or accomplishments. November 15, 2017



4 What did we accomplish last time?
An understanding of AdvancED survey data so that we can draw some conclusions about the strengths and needs of the district. A group systemic diagnostic for each of the 4 School Quality Factors. A list of AdvancED work team members who are interested in the Strategic Plan writing group. Today’s activities help the group process the work efficiently and allow for collaboration. You want to come back next time  Review outcomes

5 Outcomes for Today An update on the February visit for accreditation.
A group systemic diagnostic for the remaining 3 School Quality Factors. Input into the strategic plan. Today’s activities help the group process the work efficiently and allow for collaboration. You want to come back next time  Review outcomes

6 February 25th-28th External Review The External Review team
Is comprised of professional peers with diverse experiences and rich contextual perspectives Assesses and evaluates district effectiveness in meeting requirements of accreditation The External Review process Provides important validation and recognition Delivers valuable feedback and direction for improvement The External Review Team completed a variety of activities: Reviewed Standard Self Assessment, Executive Summary, and the system and school websites Listened to presentations by the system and school leadership Interviewed stakeholders at the system and school levels Examined artifacts Observed practices and classroom learning environments Collected and organized data Engaged in team deliberations As a result of the work of the institution and our team, we will be able to provide helpful feedback to help your system continue to improve. February 25th-28th

7 School Visits

8 Diagnostics 7 School Quality Factors – Finished 4 last time. Working in remaining 3. 7-14 multiple choice questions Likert scale (many, most, some, few….) Narrative and artifacts 5 perspectives Leaders, teachers, students, non-teaching, parents

9 Input to Diagnostic

10 Systemic Review Partners/trios- assigned SQF Review plus and delta chart from Sept. meeting (handout) SQF Narrative review Highlight information that correlates with the table Use sticky notes to capture new strengths and new needs Post on chart paper

11 Whole Group Share


13 How DVUSD developed the
Strategic Plan Gathered data and received feedback from multiple stakeholder groups Parents Students Community members Business partners Post-Secondary Institutions Employees Student graduates Our last Strategic Plan was created in 2013 and helped us align and focus our efforts for the last five years. We gathered feedback from stakeholder groups and analyzed data to help us pick our priority areas. From all of this, we were able to create a mission, vision, core values, and a finalized strategic plan, containing Priority Areas, Components, and Objectives. Vision Mission Core Values

14 DVUSD Strategic Plan Priority Areas
Priority Area 1 : Excellence in Student Learning Priority Area 2: Excellence in Workforce Performance Priority Area 3: Excellence in Stakeholder Relationships Priority Area 4: Excellence in Organizational Improvement and Accountability

15 advanced School Quality Factors
Quickly review each framework – at your tables pick 1 or 2 points that they think are important. – share out as a table

16 Baldrige components

17 ADE Guidance

18 AdvancED Diagnostic

19 AdvancED connections to Strategic Plan
What is important for DVUSD? Consider current DVUSD plan. In partners brainstorm most important work over the next 5 years. Enter ideas on Google doc. Each group will share one or two ideas for larger discussion.

20 Group Debrief


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