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Regional Forum for Capacity Development Graz, Austria, 5 November 2017

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1 Regional Forum for Capacity Development Graz, Austria, 5 November 2017
Priorities of EUROSAI in supporting the development of capacity of member SAIs Regional Forum for Capacity Development Graz, Austria, 5 November 2017

2 Capacity development priorities*
EUROSAI Capacity development priorities* To facilitate and support needs-driven institutional capacity development initiatives : similar to INTOSAI’S expectation number 6 “Provide regionally-based capacity development and professionalization support such as cooperative audits, training, facilitation, and knowledge sharing within the context of SAIs’ individual mandates”, but EUROSAI will primarily facilitate and support, rather than provide. As for the KS, that will, in principle, be addressed under EUROSAI’s strategic goal 1. To promote and encourage institutional development through self-assessments, peer reviews and other evaluations: similar to INTOSAI’s expectation no. 2 “ Assist SAIs in identifying CD needs…”, but EUROSAI will promote and encourage rather than directly assist. To promote and facilitate the implementation of INTOSAI’s Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP) and contribute to its future development: no explicit direct link to any INTOSAI’s expectations for its Regional Organisations but it could be addressed under no. 6 or under the last one (“provide regionally-based CD and porfessionalization support…“ and “…active participation in INTOSAI”). To follow and contribute to the development of INTOSAI initiatives and products for the professionalization of auditors: it could be fit into expectation 5 “ To voice EUROSAI members’ common institutional interests within the wider INTOSAI community (similar to expectation number 11) * Objectives of the EUROSAI Strategic goal 2: Institutional Capacity Development (since there are not priorities identified as such in ESP)

3 Key risks and mitigating measures
EUROSAI Key risks and mitigating measures  Risk  Mitigating measures Diverse level of maturity of SAIs Trainings, multilateral activities, targeted meetings, etc. Bilateral and multilateral co-operation Sub-regional activities targeted at different maturity levels Co-operative audits Peer-reviews Secondments Twinnings Financial constrains Bilateral aid programmes IDI Donor Co-operation EU funds Language barrier Proving possibility to co-finance translation and interpretation Political instability affecting SAIs performance; Independence of SAIs in countries of fragile situation INTOSAI and EUROSAI activities aimed at strengthening SAIs in their national context Lack of resources in EUROSAI to meet many and sometimes heavy expectations of its partners Prioritisation of the implementation of EUROSAI’s strategic plan Careful consideration of commitments towards EUROSAI’s partners

4 Key support needs of the region
EUROSAI Key support needs of the region INTOSAI’s direct contact with SAIs in Europe Liaison and regular information exchange between INTOSAI and EUROSAI IDI Donor Co-operation Availability to the data from Global Call for Proposal and Global Survey Taking into account the limited resources of EUROSAI

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