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Beginning Packages Version 3.5. Beginning Packages Version 3.5.

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2 Beginning Packages Version 3.5

3 Some ways of using packages
Situations where a combination of advertising elements are required to qualify for a particular rate To create an easy way for ad takers to input a multi-pub order that is used often Customize an Advertisers newspaper/on-line buy


5 This is where you create the package name, billing rule, whether or not to Auto Create or Inhibit Forced Buys on the package. Here is where you select the different type of ads that will be included in the package, you can have many different entries.

6 Set exactly how the ad is supposed to be booked
Set exactly how the ad is supposed to be booked. You can have multiple pubs here, as long as you want each publication to be booked the same, size, placement, position, etc. When will the ad run? You can choose by day, it can be set so that the ad taker picks the start date, or you can create a pattern.

7 In Adbooker, the ad taker only needs to choose the correct package from the Package drop down menu. Once it is chosen the ad will build to the specifications outlined in Product Define.

8 To rate the package, you create the rates in Adrater, link the rates to the package in the rating tree. Package must be part of your rating tree.

9 Once a package is created and you are asked to change something, you can easily add or remove products, or change any other aspect of the package. For example, to remove a product, you must hit “inactive” on the Product on the Package Schedule tab. Once inactive that product will not show in Adbooker as part of the package.

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