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Lab Director, Center for Environmental Quality Wilkes University

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1 Lab Director, Center for Environmental Quality Wilkes University
Wellhead Protection A Pennsylvania Perspective Carbon County Demonstration Project Mr. Brian Oram, PG Professional Geologist, PASEO, Licensed Well Driller Lab Director, Center for Environmental Quality Wilkes University GeoEnvironmental Sciences and Engineering Department Wilkes Barre, PA 18766 11/24/2018

2 Keys to Wellhead Protection
Geospatial Information for State and Region State Federal and Local Regulations Related to Land-use, Zoning, and Wellhead Protection Types of Well Water Sources and Aquifer Well Drilling and Construction Integrated State, Regional, and Local Agency Planning Community Education and Outreach 11/24/2018

3 GSE 272: Project Objects and Goals
Compile Geospatial Data for Carbon County, PA Identify Wells Potentially Impacted by surface water and/or Hazardous Activities Create Maps for Carbon County Groundwater Guardians for Education Outreach 11/24/2018

4 Potential Sources of Impact

5 Geospatial Components
Geospatial Data from the following Sources: Basins – good data for watershed applications ESRI – data was not of sufficient detail for application, but a great source of information. Wilkes University – GIS Department PAGIS – Primary source for drinking water sources, but data required extraction and defining a coordinate system, no detailed metadata. Tiger Files- poor quality- do not recommend. PASDA- A lot of data, some data contained error or was not available online. USGS-Difficulty using site and obtaining soils data. 11/24/2018

6 GIS Mapping Work The following was the type of work that was required to complete this project. .eOO files needed to be extracted using Arc Tool Box and them imported to coverage. Data needed to be clipped to Carbon County Boundary and manually reprojected. Coordinate system for database information needed to be established for the some of the PASDA and all of the PAGIS data. PAGIS data on wells needed to be merged into one database for analysis through Select by Attribute and by Location. 11/24/2018

7 Status of Project Datasets related to water wells and springs have been corrected. Datasets related to hazardous sites, such as RCRA, CERCLIS, TRI, and RCRIS for Region 3 compiled and corrected. Geological Data for Carbon County, PA is available but a review of the data indicates that the data table has errors that requires correction. Preliminary evaluations related to wells potentially impacted by Surface water or Hazardous Sites have been identified. Preliminary evaluation related to distribution of production wells based on well yields and well depth. 11/24/2018

Data needs for the project: Soils Data Wetlands and Hydric Soils Data Updated information on Drinking Water Sources, such as Private Water Wells Zoning and Land-use Information Underground storage tanks, LUST, Unregulated chemical storage, dumps, landfills, septic systems, urban runoff, etc. 11/24/2018

9 Features of Carbon County

10 Surface Water Influence

11 Well Yields 11/24/2018

12 Hazardous Site Impacts

13 Lab Director, Center for Environmental Quality Wilkes University
Wellhead Protection A Pennsylvania Perspective Carbon County Demonstration Project Mr. Brian Oram, PG Professional Geologist, PASEO, Licensed Well Driller Lab Director, Center for Environmental Quality Wilkes University GeoEnvironmental Sciences and Engineering Department Wilkes Barre, PA 18766 11/24/2018

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