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One Life: Live with A Mission. One Life: Live with A Mission.

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2 One Life: Live with A Mission




6 “A feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.”
Awe “A feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.”

7 “To adore, to be in awe of, to respect.”
Reverence “To adore, to be in awe of, to respect.”



10 “To feel both anxiety and anguish.”
Fear “To feel both anxiety and anguish.”

11 Wonder “To feel a sense of admiration for something or someone that is impossible to put into words.”


13 All will be in awe.

14 Truths You’ve Got to Know
I. You’ve got to know that He __ coming. is II. You’ve got to know ____ He is coming. how

15 A. His appearance. 1) He is riding on a white horse.
2) He has eyes like a flame of fire. 3) He has many crowns on His head. 4) He is wearing a robe dipped in blood. 5) A sharp sword is coming out of His mouth.

16 how II. You’ve got to know ____ He is coming. A. His appearance.
B. His armies.

17 Truths You’ve Got to Know
I. You’ve got to know that He __ coming. is II. You’ve got to know ____ He is coming. how III. You’ve got to know ____ He is coming. why

18 III. You’ve got to know ____ He is coming. why
A. His wrath. 1) He comes to strike the nations 2) He will slay the sinners B. His reign.

19 You Could Pray Something Like This:
Dear God, __________ needs to be introduced to Jesus. Please give me the opportunity and boldness this week to talk to ___________ about Jesus. Amen. (name of friend) (name of friend)

20 All will be in awe.



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