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Settings and Stagecraft

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1 Settings and Stagecraft
Drama Date: Settings and Stagecraft Objective To examine the stage upon which we act. To examine genres or types of plays.

2 Objective To examine the stage upon which we act.
To examine genres or types of plays.

3 Warm-up – write down three kinds of stories that could be set in this area? A story or a story about

4 Warm-up – write down three kinds of stories that could be set in this area? A story or a story about

5 Warm-up – write down three kinds of stories that could be set in this area? A story or a story about

6 Notes – notes copy The Set: This includes the stage, background or backdrop, props, lighting effects, sound effects, costumes and the position of the actors. The goal of the set is to immerse the audience into the time and place in which he story takes place. Genre: The style, category or type of a work. Tragedy: A serious event with an unhappy ending Comedy: An amusing event with a happy ending. Historical drama: An event which tries to capture a specific time and place.

7 Our fifth play - Fault Read through the play again and note anything one could add to the set during the performance. What could the characters use, have or be near that would “immerse the audience into the time and place in which the story takes place”.


9 Questions – continue the P.Q.E. format.
What is your opinion of the two characters? What is the difference between Cal and Maz do you think? If we wanted to exaggerate these characters, are there any props and costume changes we could add to do so?

10 Learning Objectives Today
Drama Date: Settings and Stagecraft 2 Learning Objectives Today To look in more depth at lighting, sound and costume on the set of a play. To create a play.

11 Warm-ups get our brains going. Exercise copy
You will be asked how to make a scene better in a moment. Remember the notes you took on what the set is and have fun. Give many examples. How would you make a scene: (1) Scary (2) Funny (3) Sad

12 Notes – notes copy Reversal: a twist. A point in the play where things take an unexpected turn. For example; the character discovers a secret or has an idea. Deus ex machina: means ‘a God from the machine’. This is when magic or some unexplained force resolves the plot of a play. Catastrophe: the sad ending and suffering of a character at the end of a tradgedy.

13 Creation of play#3 We’re again going to evolve the creation of our plays. Your task is to continue this play. What happens next to Cal and Maz. Please move away from outside the office. Describe the setting either through the characters dialogue or by interacting with objects (in brackets). How you want to end the play is up to you – do they think of a happy ending, is it given to them or is it a sad ending?


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