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See inventions created by Rube Goldberg

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Presentation on theme: "See inventions created by Rube Goldberg"— Presentation transcript:

1 See inventions created by Rube Goldberg
Who is Rube Goldberg? See inventions created by Rube Goldberg Mr. Riddell’s own “Rube Goldberg Invention”

2 Simple Machines in Action: The New Emerald Park Light Switch
Created by Mr. Riddell



5 The pineapple is placed on the pulley.

6 The pineapple falls off the pulley.

7 The pineapple falls onto the lever balanced on the fulcrum
The pineapple falls onto the lever balanced on the fulcrum. The second pineapple flies into the air towards the incline plane.

8 After the pineapple hits the incline plane, it slides downward.

9 The pineapple hits the wheel, pushing it forward.

10 The wheel then rolls forward, switching the lever to turn on the light.

11 Click on the picture above to return HOME

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