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Complete or Incomplete?

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Presentation on theme: "Complete or Incomplete?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Complete or Incomplete?

2 Complete or Incomplete?
One end of the first piece of wire is on the negative end of the battery. The other end of the piece of wire touching the electrical foot contact of the light bulb. The second wire is touching the contact on the positive end of the battery and the other end of the second wire is touching the threads of the light bulb.

3 Complete or Incomplete?
The second wire is loose; it is not connected to the negative end of the battery.

4 Complete or Incomplete?
No power source (battery).

5 Complete or Incomplete?
One end of the first piece of wire is on the negative end of the battery. The other end of the piece of wire touching the electrical foot contact of the light bulb. The second wire is touching the contact on the positive end of the battery and the other end of the second wire is touching the threads of the light bulb.

6 Complete or Incomplete?
Although there is no bulb to show that the circuit is complete, students should observe that the wire touches the positive end and the negative end of the battery. In the lesson on electromagnets they will see evidence of this as a complete circuit. The difference from this image to their investigation is that the wire will be wrapped around a steel nail. Safety Note: Students should not hold the wire ends to the battery with their bare fingers because they wire in the circuit may get hot. Taping the wires to the battery terminals is a safer approach.

7 Complete or Incomplete?
No power source (battery).

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