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Introduction to Pathology and Cellular Adaptations to Stress

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1 Introduction to Pathology and Cellular Adaptations to Stress
Dr. Leslie Klis McNeil 211 ERML Lab: Cell: Virtual office hours unlimited; actual office hours by appointment

2 Objectives Resources Define: Recognize: Explain:
hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy, metaplasia Recognize: examples of the adaptations listed above Explain: mechanisms by which adaptations occur Resources “Baby” Robbins pp 1-18 “Big” Robbins pp 4-23 Goljan pp 13-16, 1-10

3 General Pathology Basic reactions of cells and tissues to abnormal stimuli or interited defects Pathologists investigate: cause of disease, etiology development of disease, pathogenesis morphological and molecular changes in diseased tissues and cells clinical manisfestations and course of disease Pathologists evaluate morphology, histology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and patient symptoms Changes and alterations that are peculiar to specific organ systems are covered in systemic pathology

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