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Fossils Fossils are remains or trace of an ancient organism.

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Presentation on theme: "Fossils Fossils are remains or trace of an ancient organism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fossils Fossils are remains or trace of an ancient organism.

2 There are 5 main types of fossils

3 1. Petrified Remains Organic material that is partially or fully replaced by minerals to become hard and rocklike.

4 Most common forms are bone and wood.

5 2. Carbonaceous Film A thin carbon film left behind as the organism decays forming an outline of it.

6 3. Molds and Casts Mold- formed when an object is placed into soft mud and is removed by decomposition Cast- a mold fossil fills up with sediment.

7 4. Original Remains Actual organisms or parts of an organism preserved in amber, tar, or ice.

8 5. Trace Fossils Evidence such as footprints, scratches, or waste material that shows that an organism was there.

9 Where Do Fossils Form? Fossils generally form in sedimentary rock because when the organism dies it is covered by layers of sediment. This stops it from decaying.

10 Index Fossils- used to match rock layers.
Two rock layers with same index fossils are probably the same age.

11 Fossils are evidence of Continental Drift
Fossils are evidence of Continental Drift. The same type of plant and animal fossils are found on continents that are now separated.

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