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The Kid Who Always Says the Wrong Thing

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Presentation on theme: "The Kid Who Always Says the Wrong Thing"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Kid Who Always Says the Wrong Thing
Level 4 Unit 13 The Kid Who Always Says the Wrong Thing

2 This player is trying to make a half-court shot.

3 These road signs make drivers mixed-up and unclear.

4 The eruption of Mount Vesuvius brought suffering and damage to the city of Pompeii

5 Clowns amuse people or help them have fun.

6 This baby is extremely angry.

7 Countries take turns being the place that directs or invites others to the Olympics

8 There were a large number of Roman soldiers.

9 The artist who made this carving was excited and encouraged by nature.

10 Nelson is making fun of someone.

11 If you look closely, you will see that this fake food is made of plastic.

12 Pushing a rock up a steep mountain, is a task with no meaning.

13 Brushing your teeth is something that is done the same way, over and over.

14 This comedian is performing an act or skit.

15 Host

16 Host

17 Mock

18 Mock

19 Inspire

20 Routine

21 Routine

22 Confuse

23 Furious

24 Attempt

25 Pointless

26 Disaster

27 Entertain

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