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An outcomes framework for the youth sector?

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Presentation on theme: "An outcomes framework for the youth sector?"— Presentation transcript:

1 An outcomes framework for the youth sector?
Consultation discussion – London policy network Philippa Knott, Centre for Youth Impact

2 Background The aim of the framework is to deliver more joined-up work to support young people locally and improved commissioning …as a result of a clear understanding of how to deliver the desired impact on young people’s lives to support them towards good outcomes. For us: one of the most common requests we get: can we just have an outcomes framework that we all sign up to? Shared language, same tools, simple answer, impact measurement ‘problem’ moves on. Commission from the LGA: Objective: to help partners across the youth sector to develop and agree mutual aims to support young people (aged 13-19, or up to 25 for those with SEND) in their areas. To support partners to track a young person’s journey and demonstrate short and medium term impact of their work upon young people’s lives. It should also support partners and commissioners to understand how short and medium term impacts can lead to longer term outcomes. Should be simple for all partners (including small providers) to understand and use, and be adaptable for work with a range of groups and different types of service. Can be an update to the Young Foundation Framework of Outcomes for Young People or a new piece of work, depending upon the outcomes of engagement with the sector. It can also incorporate or signpost to existing tools such as the Outcomes Star where relevant to avoid duplication and to build on existing good practice.

3 Catalyst Consortium: NCVYS, Young Foundation, Private Equity Foundation, NYA

4 ….existing frameworks references

5 Impetus PEF – Journey to Employment

6 Cabinet Office / IVAR / Behavioural Insights Team – outcomes of social action

7 Impetus PEF – Ready for work

8 Any reflections? Why do you think an outcomes framework is needed? What problem or challenge might it address in your work?

9 ? Introduce tensions / questions
35 people = 5 groups (7 people per group). 5 mins per question = 25 mins.

10 Stay in touch 5 mins to feed back
Wrap up

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