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Adult residential care services procurement

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1 Adult residential care services procurement
Market Engagement Event 21 March 2018

2 Agenda Welcome and introductions Context setting
Specification and Fee Breakdown update Proposed Call – Off and Award process Risk assessments and support plans Satisfaction surveys Feedback and Q&A 2

3 1. Welcome and introductions

4 Phil Brown – Commissioner Stephanie Reid – Project Manager Amy Wilson – Category and Contracts Specialist Nick Green – Category and Contracts Manager Lea Sherman – Senior Commissioning Officer Mary Sims – Finance Business Partner 4

5 2. Context 5

6 Residential care services for Adults with learning disabilities, physical and sensory impairments, including young people in transition Reduction in residential care placements and increase in community based services Prepare individuals for more independent living where appropriate to their needs Our longer term aim is to reduce the use of residential care where appropriate to the individual.. Placing adults with behaviours and needs that challenge requiring specific types of care and support 6

7 Activity changes from 2014/15 to 2016/17
Source: Insight & Intelligence, 2017 7

8 LD/PSI/transitions with challenging behaviours/needs
AWD 2016/17 placements and spend data No. placements Approx. no. providers Approx. Spend LD/PSI/transitions 90 69 £2.9m LD/PSI/transitions with challenging behaviours/needs 74 44 £4.7m Total  164 113 £7.6m pa based on 16/17 data Source: WAA All Care Admissions data, 8

9 Currently spot purchase Four year framework of ‘approved’ providers
100% minimum quality requirements to be appointed to Framework Providers List Rolling opportunity High quality, progressive and person centered services Up to date specification (incl. legislation and operational best practice) Ensure best value and sustainability of placements 9

10 Engagement conducted to date:
Focus group on ‘Best Value Fee Breakdown’ template Focus group on draft specification Service user engagement and experts by experience Wider market engagement today around proposed Call – Off and award process and risk assessments and support plans 10

11 Contact and information:
Publishing updates and information on the provider portal us/current-and-future-procurement-opportunities/ If you would like to share further comment after this discussion forum please get in touch on; 11

12 3. Specification and fee break down

13 Specification updates More robust definitions
Clarity regarding Positive Behaviour Support requirements and physical intervention Acknowledging equivalent training & accreditation Clarity regarding contact points and notifications Data protection and sharing personal info Clarity over referral timescales and bid turn around timescales at Call-Off Additional sections (e.g. covering meals/leisure) Additional time with you to discuss risk assessments, support plans and provider assessments 13

14 Best Value Fee Breakdown updates
Acknowledge that providers ‘core fees’ are individual to homes (size/business model etc) No requirement to provide a ‘fixed’ core fee upon entry to framework, used as benchmark to test reasonableness Fees will be quoted at Call-Off and individual to the adults care and support needs Best value will be one of multiple factors playing into award decisions for placements Locked down / encrypted spreadsheet Added commentary to give clarity to expectations against some cost lines 14

15 4. Proposed ‘Call – Off’ process

16 Current proposals to find an appropriate placement:
‘Appropriate’ placements will made on the principles of prevention, sustainability and best value. SPT will use all the data about all homes on the Provider Framework List that was collected at tender stage to identify suitable options to the Social Care Team, including; type of care supported in home (LD, PSI) specialisms offered (Behaviours / needs that challenge, Dementia, Autism, Epilepsy) general information about the home (location, CQC rating, age range of residents, ensuites available) Current vacancies Contractual status (suspended / active) 16

17 Capacity and capability Environment and location Compatibility
The Social Care Team will assess the options considering which option(s) can potentially best meet the care and support needs of the adult and any essential service and / or home elements required by the adult to meet their needs and outcomes, using the following categories as a guide; Capacity and capability Environment and location Compatibility Progression and enablement Best Value Sustainability 17

18 The Social Care Team will confirm which option(s) SPT are to follow up and SPT will issue an ‘Invitation to Bid’ (which will include the Adults Information for Service Provider (ISP) and Best Value Fee Breakdown form) to the provider(s) identified by the Social Care Team The relevant provider(s) will express an interest within 48 hours of referral to SPT whether they are able to consider the referral or not After expressing an interest, provider(s) will conduct a ‘Provider Assessment’ and initial screening of the adult, arranged by the provider with the adult and / or carer / family and social care professional Once complete, the Provider Assessment and Best Value Fee Breakdown containing personalised menu of support relevant to the adult will be sent to SPT to test for reasonableness and best value This detailed information will be used to confirm the most appropriate placement for the individual, and may include pricing clarifications 18

19 Provider Assessments Expectation is the Provider Assessments are standardised and consistent across providers, covering (but not limited to); It should confirm the providers ability to offer an appropriate placement, detailing how against the aforementioned categories (capacity, capability, location and environment, compatibility, progression and enablement, sustainability, best value) It should document any outcomes and goals identified by the adult that the provider will support the adult to achieve through the delivery of the service It should document the times that all transition visits will be expected to take place It should document the key staff members who will support the person throughout the transition and delivery of the service Providers views? 19

20 Information to Service Provider (ISP) to include sufficient information to enable Provider(s) to initially assess their capacity and ability to accommodate an Adult including (but not limited to): Personal details of the Adult; The Outcomes required for the Adult; Any Essential Service Elements for the Adult; Whether the Adult has behaviours or needs that challenge; Indicators of progress sought; Any identified risks around the care of the Adult; Activities to be delivered as part of the care plan; Communication challenges; Moving and handling; Managing medications; Personal relationships; Cultural needs. 20

21 5. Risk Assessments and Support plans

22 Risk Assessment and initial support plan;
Expectation that provider will complete a full risk assessment and initial support plan with the Adult prior to commencement of Service and refine and update this accordingly within 6 weeks of commencement of Service in line with the Authorities review of the placement and based on each individual risk which is incorporated into the Adult’s Care and Support Plan Risk assessments must be multi-disciplinary in nature and conducted by appropriately trained staff meeting the standards agreed by CQC and the Authority and should consider guidance from DOH and N.I.C.E. Drawn up in conjunction with the Adult, their family and advocates and the Social Care Professional Guidance to be provided for staff around minimising risks and contingency planning should an emergency arise Should give due consideration given to the mental capacity act and best interest decisions Proactively identify and advise of further opportunities for enablement and alert Social Care Practitioners to any concerns regarding deterioration in the an Adults abilities which may indicate a further occupational therapist assessment is required. 22

23 Outcomes based Support Plan
Complete or update within 6 weeks of commencement of the Service or Review in partnership with the adult and any person(s) the adult requests to be involved The plan should outline how the Service will support the Adult to meet the Outcomes and needs outlined in their ISP and include any further aspirations, goals and Outcomes the Adult may wish to achieve, and should: Focus on enablement/reablement, independence, choice, control and progression Communicate the Adult’s eligible care and support needs and describe how the Adult is involved in identifying their Outcomes and how progress against an Adult’s Outcomes will be reviewed Be used to plan, assess progress and provide evidence against meeting the Adult’s specific Outcomes Outline the daily care, support, opportunities, services, facilities and equipment/assistive technology to be provided to the Adult Outline an Adult’s daily and weekly programme Identify any risks (including how any safeguarding concerns to or for the Adult should be addressed) involved in the delivery of the Service to the Adult Provide instructions for the use of any equipment used to support the Adult in the delivery of the Service Outline how any specific needs and preferences of the Adult are to be met by the Service, including any community based activity and how it will be managed Providers views…? 23

24 6. Satisfaction Surveys 24

25 Requirement in the specification is;
To develop appropriate and meaningful experience and satisfaction surveys (using different forms of technology and appropriate communication) and ensure Adults participate to find out whether the Adult is satisfied with the Services they receive from time to time and throughout the duration of the placement. It is expected that real examples and feedback from these surveys, both positive and negative including how this has been addressed, will be presented at the annual review. to demonstrate as part of the contract monitoring how they have listened and responded to Adult feedback to continually improve the quality of the support provided as per the Schedule 2 (Performance Standards). Providers views on standardising / improving the surveys? 25

26 7. Feedback and Q&A 26

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