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A Level History Course Content:

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1 A Level History Course Content:
In Search of the American Dream: The USA c India, c : The Road to Independence Rebellion and Disorder Under the Tudors, c

2 Year 12 History Course requirements:
Paper 1: In Search of the American Dream: The USA, c 30% of the total A level marks Written examination, lasting 2 hours 15 minutes. Marks available: 60 Students answer three questions: one from Section A, one from Section B and one from Section C. Sections A and B comprise a choice of essays that assess understanding of the period in breadth (AO1). Section C comprises one compulsory question that assesses the ability to analyse and evaluate historical interpretations (AO3). Paper 2: India, c : The Road to Independence 20% of A level Written examination, lasting 1 hour 30 minutes. Marks available: 40 Students answer two questions: one from Section A and one from Section B. Section A comprises one compulsory question for the option studied, based on two sources. It assesses source analysis and evaluation skills (AO2). Section B comprises a choice of essays that assess understanding of the period in depth (AO1).

3 Year 13 History Course requirements: Paper 3:
30% of the total A level marks Written examination, lasting 2 hours 15 minutes. Marks available: 60 Students answer three questions: one from Section A, one from Section B and one from Section C. Sections B and C comprise a choice of essays that assess understanding of the period in breadth (AO1). Section A comprises one compulsory question that assesses the ability to analyse and evaluate historical interpretations (AO3). Part 4: Coursework 20% of A level Students complete a single assignment on a question set by the centre. The assignment will assess the ability to carry out a historical enquiry, analysing and evaluating historical interpretations, and organising and communicating findings (AO1/AO3).


5 Paper 1 Option 1F: In Search of the American Dream: The USA, c1917-96
Mark Scheme This is an example of the generic mark scheme used in Paper 1

6 Expectations Students must- Give 100% effort Make sure you complete all class work and contribute to discussions. Ensure homework is always complete. Missing homework assignments could be detrimental to your A Level grade. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 5 hours independent study which will included directed homework tasks set by the teacher. Ensure you are prepared for exams, assessments and in-class tests. Be proactive in improving your understanding and knowledge. Read widely and independently around the topics you are studying. If you don’t understand a topic or assessment skill then speak to your teacher as soon as possible. Organisation - bring to lessons the necessary text books .

7 Subject Folders All pupils are required to have a subject folder. The folder must be brought to ALL lessons. The folder should compose of the following sections; Course Handbook Lesson Notes Revision Notes Homework End of topic Tests Your target grade and challenge grade should be recorded on your folder.

8 STUDENT CONTRACT I confirm that I have read and understood all policies set out in the course handbook. I am now fully aware of the structure of the course and the high expectations that I must adhere to. I agree to follow these policies and accept that failure to do so will result in sanctions up to and including removal from the course. SIGNED: ____________________________(student) SIGNED: _____________________________(parent/carer) DATE: __________________________________

9 Useful contacts: For more course information and past papers:

10 Your summer project Presidents of the United States of America, Task 1 The topic covers the period in America from 1917 to You need to find out all of the American Presidents in that time. You need to include the dates in which they served as President and their Party. Task 2 Carry out result on the ‘Boom and Bust’ era of the 1920s/1930s. You need to focus on: Booming Industry – Henry Ford cars The effects of the Wall Street Crash Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal You will need to include an overall summary (around a paragraph) explaining whether your think that the ‘American Dream’ was alive during the time period
















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