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TEACHER NOTES below Materials per student: sheet of copy paper, pencil, colored pencils, scissors Super-Simple Procedure: Click through the PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "TEACHER NOTES below Materials per student: sheet of copy paper, pencil, colored pencils, scissors Super-Simple Procedure: Click through the PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEACHER NOTES below Materials per student: sheet of copy paper, pencil, colored pencils, scissors Super-Simple Procedure: Click through the PowerPoint and have students do everything shown on the screen! Other Notes: Change any text you like in the ppt Teachers-make one of these graphic organizers for yourself so you have an example to show, and because it makes you more descriptive when doing the lesson. Print these slides to help you present. Click Print under “Print what:” select “Handouts (6 Slides per page)” See notes on later slides for more info. Thanks for using this lesson.

2 Cut top sheet only at about halfway across
How Do Scientific Theories Differ From Laws? If you want to make this cut exactly, you can put out rulers and tell students to cut at 14cm across. But this is the only thing you’d do with rulers, and even if they’re off here by 2-3 cm, no big deal. Cut top sheet only at about halfway across

3 Laws Theories How Do Scientific Theories Differ From Laws? (what)

4 6 examples of scientific laws:
How Do Scientific Theories Differ From Laws? A scientific law … (Definition) Theories (how) (Key Statements) (fact) (another fact) (another fact!) 6 examples of scientific laws: conservation of energy Boyle’s Third law of thermodynamics How I finished this door: definition: a scientific law describes a relationship under given conditions key statements: They describe the way our world works; they are universal and happen everywhere; they cannot be escaped For homework have students find laws and be ready to share those examples tomorrow. You could also have them give a short description of each law. Examples of laws: conservation of energy, boyle’s law, 3rd law of thermodynamics, bernoulli’s law, newton’s 1st law of motion, law of gravitation, charles’ law, kepler’s 3 laws, archimede’s law, dalton’s law

5 10 examples of scientific theories:
How Do Scientific Theories Differ From Laws? A scientific theory is … (Definition) Laws (what) (a fact) (Key Statements) (another fact) (another fact) 10 examples of scientific theories: cell theory germ theory big bang theory How I finished this door: Definition: a scientific theory is a well-supported explanation of nature Key statements:They help us understand laws; theories explain how/why things happen; they’re useful when explaining things we cannot see Examples of theories: cell theory, germ theory, big bang theory, kinetic theory, theory of special relativity, spontaneous generation (proven wrong), evolution, expanding earth (proven wrong), plate tectonics, critical theory

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