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Weathering and Erosion

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Presentation on theme: "Weathering and Erosion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weathering and Erosion
Weathering - processes at or near Earth’s surface that cause rocks and minerals to break down Erosion - process of removing Earth materials from their original sites through weathering and transport

2 Weathering Mechanical Weathering - processes that break a rock or mineral into smaller pieces without altering its composition Chemical Weathering - processes that change the chemical composition of rocks and minerals

3 Agents of Mechanical Weathering
frost wedging thermal expansion and contraction mechanical exfoliation abrasion by wind and water plants and animals

4 Frost Wedging

5 Exfoliation

6 Dome Exfoliation

7 Plant Wedging

8 Processes of Chemical Weathering
dissolving (dissolution) oxidation hydrolysis

9 Factors in Chemical Weathering
climate plants and animals time mineral composition

10 Limestone cave feature result of chemical weathering

11 Weathering and Erosion
Weathering produces regolith (“rock blanket”) which is composed of small rock and mineral fragments. When organic matter is mixed in this material is called soil.

12 Transport Agents or Forces
Water Wind Gravity

13 Transport Agents - Water
Rain Streams and rivers Ocean dynamics Ice (glaciers)

14 Streams

15 Stream Erosion and Deposition

16 Typical River Gravel

17 Glaciers

18 Wind Transport of Dust

19 Wind Transport of Dust

20 Deposition Formation

21 Deposition Formation

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