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Prepared by Durmanov Akmal

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1 Prepared by Durmanov Akmal

2 Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of Uzbekistan
Providing 37% of GDP About 55% of employment About 600,000 tons of vegetables or 20 kg per capita per year are currently produced in the agricultural production of protected soil In recent years, the volume of agricultural production has increased more than twofold. This allowed increasing per capita consumption of meat by 1.3 times, milk - more than 2 times, fruits - almost 4 times To ensure, according to the medical norm (150 kg per person per year) the country’s agrarians need to produce annually about 1.7 million tons.

3 Greenhouse vegetables production in Uzbekistan
Increasing the production and the competitiveness of greenhouse vegetable production, within the framework of the State Program for , a partial (up to 20%) cost recovery for energy resources are envisaged At the same time the gross harvest of vegetables in 2018 should reach 720 thousand tons, and in thousand tons.

4 Purpose Forecasting a production in food sector for the future with satisfactory reliability level is an essential for sustainable agricultural development. To solve this problem, this work presented an attempt to use methods of economic-mathematical modeling

5 Materials and methods This work is based on the actual data for the dynamics of average consumer prices for vegetable greenhouse products in the Republic of Uzbekistan An econometric model of pricing has been constructed, taking into account the factor of seasonality and its applicability is shown for forecasting the price of vegetable products for subsequent periods.

6 Information base of the research
Official state statistics; Normative legal acts of government and regional levels; Data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Reference materials of specialized publications on the topic; Materials received from participants of the vegetable market of protected soil

7 Results To obtain forecast values for the value of products, including season-factors, an additive model of the time series of the form Y = T + S + E, (2) where Т - trend, S - seasonal and Е - random components of time series. Dynamics of prices for greenhouse vegetable (in the case of cucumber) by the value of the moving average Q4,2013 Q1,2014 Q2,2014 Q4,2014 Q1,2015 Q3,2015 Q4,2015 Q1,2016 Q2,2016 Q4,2016 Q1,2017 Q2,2017 Q3,2017 Q4,2017

8 Results Y=-0, 0002x4+0, 0057x3-0, 0626x2+0, 2221x+0, 4127, R2=0.96
Average share of a citizen’s income Uzbekistan, aimed at the acquisition of vegetable greenhouse products Q4,2013 Q1,2014 Q2,2014 Q4,2014 Q1,2015 Q3,2015 Q4,2015 Q1,2016 Q2,2016 Q4,2016 Q1,2017 Q2,2017 Q3,2017 Q4,2017

9 each index = the actual value for the month / 12 month moving average
Results Calculation of monthly seasonal indices months Average Ratio seasonal index Indices 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1 January 167,5 162,8 131,4 200 209,6 164,8 269,6 162,57 2 February 188,4 183,1 184,1 191,9 212,6 271,1 170,75 3 March 155,6 151,3 159,7 170,9 151,6 140,4 216,2 139,80 4 April 132,4 128,7 136,9 135,3 141,5 116 186,75 119,41 5 May 106,1 103,1 117,1 107,5 109,7 91,1 145,95 95,23 6 June 63,7 61,9 70,2 63,3 64,7 56,7 89,05 57,33 7 July 54,1 52,6 49,7 56,9 41,3 68,7 89,35 50,99 8 August 48 46,6 47,8 43,5 36,7 63,9 82,25 45,69 9 September 43,6 42,4 35 32,1 44,6 62,8 85,1 43,27 10 October 66,4 64,6 66,3 60,3 72,1 67,1 103,15 61,49 11 November 92,2 89,6 99,6 88,3 102,4 78,5 129,7 83,08 12 December 116,7 113,4 114,5 97,7 157,5 104,4 183,15 109,54 Total 1234,8 1200 each index = the actual value for the month / 12 month moving average Skorr.

10 Discussion Seasonal price increases occur throughout the winter months, and especially at the early spring months. And, on the contrary, the seasonal decline in prices occurs in the summer and early autumn. Amplitude of seasonal price fluctuations in the range from the most "expensive" (February) to the "cheapest" month (September) is very significant The value of the coefficient of determination R2 = 0.94 indicates that the dynamics of prices for greenhouse products in the period

11 Conclusion For a more accurate price forecast for greenhouse vegetables, it is necessary to consider the qualitative composition of costly and other external factors for the theoretical construction of the response function. Modeling the pricing of domestic greenhouse products will make it possible, in order to increase the predictability of the demand for greenhouse vegetables, to achieve certain uniformity in their production, sales and the production of a stable profit.

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