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Unit 7 Culture Global Reading Pre-Reading Questions

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1 Unit 7 Culture ---7.2 Global Reading 7.2.1 Pre-Reading Questions
7.2.2 Organization Analysis 7.2.3 Questions and Answers 7.2.4 Summary 7.2.5 Writing Skills

2 7.2.1 Pre-Reading Questions
7.2.1 Global Reading >> Pre-Reading Questions Pre-Reading Questions What characteristics come to your mind when you think about each of the following groups of people? Chinese Americans British People 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) sample

3 Words and Phrases for Your Reference
7.2.1 Global Reading >> Pre-Reading Questions Words and Phrases for Your Reference shy mild kind lazy frank selfish honest modest curious sincere serious adventurous independent open-minded hard-working warm-hearted self-confident gentlemanlike hospitable 好客的 conservative 保守的 reserved 内向的,矜持的 straightforward 直爽的 creative reliable romantic outgoing impatient intelligent generous emotional humorous easy-going imaginative cooperative Chinese

4 Words and Phrases for Your Reference
7.2.1 Global Reading >> Pre-Reading Questions Words and Phrases for Your Reference shy mild kind lazy frank selfish honest modest curious sincere serious adventurous independent open-minded hard-working warm-hearted self-confident gentlemanlike hospitable 好客的 conservative 保守的 reserved 内向的,矜持的 straightforward 直爽的 creative reliable romantic outgoing impatient intelligent generous emotional humorous easy-going imaginative cooperative American

5 Words and Phrases for Your Reference
7.2.1 Global Reading >> Pre-Reading Questions Words and Phrases for Your Reference shy mild kind lazy frank selfish honest modest curious sincere serious adventurous independent open-minded hard-working warm-hearted self-confident gentlemanlike hospitable 好客的 conservative 保守的 reserved 内向的,矜持的 straightforward 直爽的 creative reliable romantic outgoing impatient intelligent generous emotional humorous easy-going imaginative cooperative British People

6 Chinese Americans British People
7.2.1 Global Reading >> Pre-Reading Questions Sample Chinese Americans British People 1) modest 1) straightforward 1) conservative 2) hospitable 2) creative 2) gentlemanlike 3) intelligent 3) adventurous 3) reserved 4) shy 4) open-minded 4) humorous 5) self-confident 5) independent 5) mild 6) warm-hearted 6) emotional 6) reliable 7) generous 7) imaginative 7) sincere 8) hard-working 8) romantic 8) serious

7 7.2.2 Organization Analysis
7.2.2 Global Reading >> Organization Analysis 7.2.2 Organization Analysis Part 1 Introduction: It’s rather difficult for a foreigner to slip into a culture without all his foreignness exposed. Part 2 Body: supporting evidence Part 3 Conclusion: Life becomes much easier once you’ve learned the culture differences.

8 Part2 Body: supporting evidence
7.2.2 Global Reading >> Organization Analysis Part2 Body: supporting evidence Evidence1 : _______ customs in China. Parting Evidence2 : Different responses to compliments on ____________ in China and America. cooking skills Evidence3 : Different ways for Chinese and American parents to comment on their ________. children Evidence4 : Different reactions to the word _______ in China and America. “no”

9 7.2.3 Global Reading>> Questions and Answers
1) What should the host or hostess say as he or she sees guests off in China? Why? (Para.1) Words and phrases popular with Chinese: Welcome to my home again (欢迎再来); Why not stay longer? (多坐一会儿吧); Welcome to my home as you’re free (有空多来玩儿); Go slowly / Take care / Watch your step (路上慢走). Chinese say so to smooth over the visitors’ leaving and make them feel they’ll be welcomed to come again.

10 7.2.3 Global Reading>> Questions and Answers
2) Why does the author feel tongue-tied as she sees guests off? (Para.1) Because she doesn’t know what to say, since the standard phrase for greeting people she has learned from Chinese textbook fails to meet her need to ease relations as she sees guests off.

11 3) What does “bowing like a Japanese” indicate in Para.1?
Global Reading>> Questions and Answers 3) What does “bowing like a Japanese” indicate in Para.1? The Japanese are noted for their courtesy. They bow all the time and repeatedly. The author tells us she is bowing like a Japanese to show how embarrassed she is as she sees guests off, since she doesn’t know the exact Chinese way of sending people off.

12 4) What ritual do Chinese partings involve? (Para.3)
Global Reading>> Questions and Answers 4) What ritual do Chinese partings involve? (Para.3) Besides saying something to smooth over the visitors’ leaving, Chinese always see a guest off to the furthest feasible point except those less important or young. 5) What expressions of protest that accompany a leave-taking has the author learned? (Para.3) When parting, guests repeatedly say, “Don’t see me off.” In this way of protesting, they aim to ask the host not to send them off to a farther point.

13 6) What does the author mean by “one-upmanship” in Para.3?
Global Reading>> Questions and Answers 6) What does the author mean by “one-upmanship” in Para.3? One-upmanship refers to the technique of being one up (占优势或领先的技巧). In this passage, it indicates one tries to be more polite than others in China. If one says one “goodbye”, the other will say it two or three times. 7) What does “slow” indicate in Para.8? The equivalent of “slow” here in Chinese is “怠慢”. With this polite and modest expression, Chinese aim to assure their guests they are poor and inadequate hosts after serving a particularly large and delicious meal.

14 7.2.3 Global Reading>> Questions and Answers
8) How do your parents respond to compliments on their cooking skills? (Para.9) They often apologize for giving guests “nothing” even slightly edible and for not showing them enough honor by providing proper dishes with the following expressions:不成敬意;不好意思;家常便饭;很简单;没什么可吃的;招待不周,请多多包涵;厨艺不精;凑合吃吧。 9) How do Americans respond to compliments on their cooking skills? (Para.9) Americans enjoy the compliments. They are likely to say, “Oh, I’m so glad that you like it. I cooked it especially for you.”

15 10) What’s the difference between the Chinese and
Global Reading>> Questions and Answers 10) What’s the difference between the Chinese and Americans as they mention their children before guests? (Para.10) American parents straightforwardly speak proudly of their children’s achievements, while Chinese parents always tell others their children are so “naughty”, never studying, never listening to their elders, and so forth, even if they are at the top of their class in school.

16 11)Why couldn’t Chinese enjoy food at an American table? (Para.11)
Global Reading>> Questions and Answers 11)Why couldn’t Chinese enjoy food at an American table? (Para.11) Chinese seldom express what they think directly and they prefer a roundabout way, so they would like to refuse before accepting an offer, and the American hosts take a “no” to mean “no”, whether it’s the first, second, or third time. The different interpretations of “no” lead to misunderstanding and also Chinese embarrassment at table.

17 12) What’s the main difference between the Chinese
Global Reading>> Questions and Answers 12) What’s the main difference between the Chinese and Americans according to this passage? (Para.11) The Chinese take pride in “modesty”, while the Americans in “straightforwardness”.

18 7.2.4 Summary Part I Introduction (para.1)
Global Reading>> Summary 7.2.4 Summary Part I Introduction (para.1) Topic sentence ________________________________________________________________________________________________ It’s rather difficult for a foreigner to slip into a culture without all his foreignness exposed. Part II Supporting evidence (para.2-12) : Parting customs in China i. One custom: The host and hostess should say to guests words and phrases that will_______________ ___________________ and make them feel__________________________________. smooth over the visitors’ leaving they will be welcome to come again

19 7.2.4 Global Reading>> Summary
ii. Another custom: The host and hostess feel they must see a guest off to the farthest feasible point expect _______________________________________ those less important or younger visitors. 2) Chinese modesty vs. American straightforwardness At a party when complimented for cooking skills A Chinese host or hostess will appear to be modest and apologize for______________________________. and for_______________________________________ ______________. B. An American hostess is likely to say,”_____________ _____________________________________________. giving “nothing” even slightly edible not showing enough honor by providing proper dishes Oh, I’m so glad that you liked it. I cooked it especially for you

20 Summary ii. When talking about their children
Global Reading>> Summary Summary ii. When talking about their children A. Chinese parents will say that their children, even if at the top of their class in school, are ________________ ___________________________________________. B. American parents will straightforwardly speak proudly of their children’s _____________. always so “naughty”, never studying, never listening to their elders achievement iii. Hearing the word “no” A Chinese will not take it ______________. B. An American will take it to mean ________. the first time “no” Part III Conclusion(para.13) ___________________________________________________________________________. Life become much easier once you have studied up on cultural differences

21 ---Comparison and Contrast
Global Reading>> Writing Skills Writing skills ---Comparison and Contrast When you compare two items, you show how aspects of one item are similar to aspects of another A comparison tells you what features are similar. When you contrast two items, you show the differences between them. You point out the features that are not alike or are different.

22 Point-by-point organization:
Global Reading>> Writing Skills Body development---2 types Block organization: Point-by-point organization: Feature 1: item 1 item 2 Feature 2: item 1 Feature 3: item 1 Item 1:… Item 2:…

23 Sample of these two types
Global Reading>> Writing Skills Sample of these two types Thesis statement: University A is a better choice for me than University B because of its size, location, and specialty. Bases of comparison: U-A, U-B Size large small Location rural urban Specialty engineering the arts

24 Block organization: It is easier for the writer to organize contents.
Global Reading>> Writing Skills Block organization: U-A Size large Location rural Specialty engineering U-B Size small Location urban Specialty the arts It is easier for the writer to organize contents. But it is not convenient for readers to see the comparison and contrast clearly.

25 Point-by-point organization
Global Reading>> Writing Skills Point-by-point organization Size U-A large U-B small Location U-A rural U-B urban Specialty U-A engineering U-B the arts Similarities and differences of each point are discussed together, so it requires more transitional words.

26 Comparison Indicators
Global Reading>> Writing Skills Comparison Indicators Sentence connectors Clause connectors others similarly as like likewise just as be similar to also and just like be the same as both…and… not only…but also…

27 Contrast Indicators 7.2.5 Global Reading>> Writing Skills
Sentence connectors Clause connectors others however although but nevertheless even though yet on one hand, ..on the other hand while despite on the contrary whereas in spite of in contrast instead be different from

28 Thank you !

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