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Do Now Download: Cold War Overview

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Download: Cold War Overview"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Download: Cold War Overview
Complete the Do Now Task on your white board or on a Google Doc.

2 Do Now Task Read the scenario below
Answer the opinion questions on your white board, paper or a Google Doc. A U.S. Air Force flight is conducting a nuclear response drill over the Russia. The pilot of one jet accidentally drops a live nuclear bomb destroying the capital city of Moscow. The Russian leader contacts the president of the United States’ saying that he will not retaliate and attack unless the President orders a bomb dropped on New York City to even the score. You the American pilot who realized your mother is in New York. What will you decide to do?

3 Discuss the Cold War scenario from the do now with a partner.
Think, Pair-Share Discuss the Cold War scenario from the do now with a partner.

4 Whole Class Share Someone read the scenario aloud
Discuss the answers using accountable talk. Whole Class Share A U.S. Air Force flight is conducting a nuclear response drill over the Russia. The pilot of one jet accidentally drops a live nuclear bomb destroying the capital city of Moscow. The Russian leader contacts the president of the United States’ saying that he will not retaliate and attack unless the President orders a bomb dropped on New York City to even the score. You the American pilot who realized your mother is in New York. What will you decide to do?

5 Lesson Objective To gain a solid understanding of the who? What? When? Where? Why and how of the Cold War, in preparation for the Exit Project.

6 Go to Click Classwork
Open the Cold War Short Response Questions Attachment. Open a blank Google Doc Write the following title at the top left of your screen, “Cold War SRQ’s” Write your name at the top left. Write the following title in the middle Cold War SRQ’S

7 Independent Task Go to Username=newschoolesl
Password=bpop Type in the search box: Cold War Restate and answer all 10 Cold War SRQ’s during and after your watch the BrainPop video. Submit to Engrade turn-ins when you are done.

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