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How to critique a photograph

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1 How to critique a photograph
Its all about composition and meaning

DESCRIBE…objects, colors, lines, shapes, environment, etc ANALYZE…how were the elements above organized? INTERPRET…what was the artist trying to convey? JUDGE…is the work a quality piece based on all above?

3 Description: In this image by Jerry Uelsmann I see cupped hands cradling what appears to a still body of water; but perhaps a bit of current as reflected in the varying tones of the water. A boat is in the foreground and is obviously tied to something not visible; I see the rope, a diagonal line, extending outward off the picture plane. Clouds fill up the upper portion of the image and extend into the fingers but not beyond. The negative space around the hands is black.

4 Analysis: In this image the focal point is the boat. I notice that the boat itself is light in value and the dark cast shadow underneath creates a strong sense of value contrast that draws my attention. The clouds are some of the lightest values and again contrast nicely with the tones in the water and hands. The image is asymmetrically balanced overall as the clouds have variations and the boat is at an angle, but the hands themselves appear symmetrical. The boat is in the lower third of the picture plane.

5 Interpretation: When viewing this image by Uelsmann I feel a sense of stillness. It could also be a feeling of loneliness or solitude depending on my own mood. The horizon extends outward and creates a sense of expectation but the fact that the boat is tied and empty makes me wonder if travel is possible or perhaps already occurred? I believe the hands are possibly cupping a life experience that is ending; perhaps the final destination has been reached.

6 Judgment: I find Uelmann to be a master of photographic montage. Through my research of his work I understand that he works exclusively in the darkroom . His pieces, created from multiple negatives, are seamless which add to my appreciation of his work. He has incorporated strong value contrasts in this piece and has definitely included a strong focal point with the boat in the foreground. His work illustrates strong craftsmanship as it appears clean and without dust, smudges or weak areas of value. Uelsman obviously works in a Surrealistic style which lends itself to multiple interpretations and symbolism. His photographs always make me pause and think .

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