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Presentation on theme: "INDUSTRIALISM AND IMPERIALISM"— Presentation transcript:

The Making of the European Global Order

2 16th Century Imperialism

3 Places Players Americas Coastal India Coastal Africa Spain Portugal
England France Netherlands

4 Motives Methods Gold God Glory Trading Posts Empires Colonialism
- settled colonies Trading Posts Empires Colonialism - settled colonies

5 Means Responses Fight back Flee Accept Compromise Ships Guns Disease Forced Labor Trading Companies

6 19th Century Imperialism

7 Places Players Africa Southeast Asia China Pacific Latin America
Britain France Netherlands Italy Germany United States Japan Belgium Portugal

8 European Motives For Colonization European Nationalism (Glory)
Source for Raw Materials Missionary Activity (God) Industrial Revolution (Gold) European Motives For Colonization Markets for Finished Goods Military & Naval Bases Social Darwinism European Racism Places to Dump Unwanted/ Excess Pop. Humanitarian Reasons Soc. & Eco. Opportunities “White Man’s Burden”

9 Means Methods Colonialism Steamships Protectorates Railroads
Spheres of Influence Concessions Mandates “dollar diplomacy” “gunboat diplomacy” Neo-colonialism in Latin America Steamships Railroads Suez & Panama Canal Guns Quinine Telegraph Loans Investment capital

10 Results Elites work with Imperialists
Resistance (Zulu Wars, Sepoy Rebellion) Submission Flight to interiors (doesn’t work!!) Death (Aborigines of NZ & Aus.)


12 “The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire”
Canada, Hong Kong, Egypt……., and INDIA Trying to become strong or stronger than the British becomes the goal of the rest of Europe (especially GERMANY!)

13 “The Jewel In The Crown”
British East India Company – until 1858 Gradually gain power over the Mughals Sepoy Rebellion in 1857 Takes a year to re-gain control after the rebellion, British government steps in and takes direct control – period known as the RAJ


15 Why is India So Important to the British?
Huge population – market for industrial goods Source of raw materials COTTON!!!!! Strategic location defend other colonies Refueling of ships Etc…. Sepoy Army

16 How Does British Control Impact….
The Economy of India? India important before British…!! British control ports Must purchase British goods Infrastructure created to serve British needs Indian Society? Upper class adopt British customs Many educated in Europe Causes ethnic tensions (Hindu & Muslim) Partition India into East & West Bengal

17 What areas of Africa are colonized before the 1850s?

18 The Boer War: The British The Boers

19 The Scramble For Africa
After the Berlin Conference in 1884

20 How Does European Control Impact….
The Economy of Africa? Take land from Africans Forced labor Infrastructure based on European needs Rely on imports for basic needs because have to produce exports on land African Society? Tribes divided Many of the elite get European educations Men go to cities, women remain in rural areas Tribal warfare repressed by colonial power

21 Why don’t the African & Indians fight back?
Not unified Many don’t realize danger Blinded by promises of wealth ……….. Europeans exploit local conflicts Don’t have weapons or $$$$ that Europeans have India – British make being a Sepoy appealing…………….

22 How are nationalism, imperialism, & industrialization related?
Pride lead to desire to be the best Want greatest production & land Imperialism Need to compete with other countries by controlling……., feed industrialization with resources and markets Industrialization Want to produce more than others….feed imperialism for resources and markets

23 Compare forms of western intervention in Latin America and in Africa

24 Latin America Independent Countries
Use investments to influence politics and economy Monroe Doctrine & Roosevelt Corollary give the US influence over political & economic events Greatest investment and influence from US Less attempt to influence culture

25 Africa Colonies of European countries
Europeans directly control politics and economy – based on military superiority, Social Darwinism, and Berlin Conference Europeans are colonial powers in Africa Try to “westernize”

26 Similarities West depends on for cash crops Little industry
West technologically superior – can’t defend against West fund railroad & telegraphs Suez Canal & Panama Canal are both owned by west – use this to get involved in politics and economy

27 America Becomes Imperialist
Guam, Puerto Rico, & Philippines Build Panama Canal Economic investment to influence……. Roosevelt Corollary Hawaii Example of economic imperialism Cheap labor from other Asian countries to work plantations America Becomes Imperialist


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