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Deep CNN of JPEG 2000 電信所R06942121林俊廷.

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Presentation on theme: "Deep CNN of JPEG 2000 電信所R06942121林俊廷."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deep CNN of JPEG 2000 電信所R 林俊廷

2 problem JPEG2000 is lossy compression algorithms Distortion
Coding artifacts of JPEG2000 Blocking, Ringing, Aliasing

3 Blocking and Ringing Blocking : A whole picture is too hard to analyze, so we just focus on part of it. e.g 3*3 pixel. Lose the correlation of the different part of picture. Ringing : the bandwidth is finite, so there will be some distortion in specific function.

4 Decoder Format Decoder Read the specific format file.
How to judge a picture format decoder ? PSNR , SSIM Format Decoder JPEG2000 PHOTOSHOP DOC WORD


6 Decoder implementation by deep CNN
Solution Original decoder is time-consuming Decoder implementation by deep CNN

7 Framework of Deep CNN

8 Convolution layer

9 Weight and Bias Bias(b) Weight(w)
Asumption : source domain and target domain distribution are the same. Domain adaption : to make the initial data distribution the same, we suppose to make average equal 0, variance equal 1.

10 Filter

11 https://brohrer. mcknote

12 Batch normalization

13 Batch normalization Asumption : source domain and target domain distribution are the same. batch normalization : average and variance after each convolution layer may change, so we need to change them back again.

14 Rectifier Linear Unit

15 ReLU Rectifier Linear Unit : use a max{0,x} function , because it’s like the neural of human beings . In Dayan ReLU function

16 Training framework

17 Testing flowchart Compare JPEG, JPEG2000 with Deep CNN method

18 Comparison PSNR the higher the better SSIM the higher the better



21 Conclusion 1.Quality 2.Process time
under low to medium bit-rates, this method can enhance the performance of the JPEG2000. performances 1.Quality 2.Process time

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